How To Save Money With Apps

By: Marie Knox 

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If you’re looking for a new way to save money, then you’re in luck. We’ve compiled a list of the best apps that can help you save money. Yes, we are giving you ways to put more money in your pocket. Whether it’s tracking every penny, saving for a vacation, or even making sure you’re buying the right food, these apps are designed to make your life easier and your wallet fuller. Save money apps, have helped hundreds of thousands of people. Use  our tips and tricks that we  teach you save money using apps, there’s no need to worry about managing your finances ever again!


Yes, save money apps, help you save with grocery shopping! With the number of food companies and food stores popping up like weeds, it can be hard to figure out which store is right for you. And that’s especially true if you don’t live close to one. Using an app like Shopper’s Guide, you can find the best grocery stores in your area, so all you have to do is choose which grocery store would be best for your family.


There are so many ways to save money on eating out. That’s true for big and small businesses alike—there are countless ways that you can save money on your business meals.

From choosing the right restaurants to learning how to craft a list of restaurant suggestions, there are plenty of ways that you can find ways to save money on eating out when you’re running your business.  Save money apps, can give you discounts or a rebate from eating at certain places. If you’re like me and go out to eat a lot, the save money apps, will save you thousands. 


Digital coupons are all the rage, and they can save you a ton of money.

This is because digital coupons work in one simple way: They’re temporary versions of your favorite websites and apps. They’re essentially coupon codes that are good for one purchase or an entire month’s worth of purchases. You can use them to save money on web shopping as well as mobile apps and other downloadable content, such as games or music.

By downloading these apps, you’ll be able to find digital coupons that will save you even more money each time you use them. That’s right — they’re free!

For example, if you decide to download an app called “Google Flights,” it will give you a discount when you book flights through Google by using the code provided by the app. You can do this with any app available on Google Play Store. In fact, there are tons of save money apps, but we recommend a few below. 


Using an app can help you track your spending and also help you save money on your purchases.  This makes it easier for you to manage your budget, which will help you save money.

If you don’t already have a budget app, then there are plenty of apps that allow you to keep track of your spending. These apps are designed with the purpose of helping people manage their money by tracking total expenditures and tracking their income. You can find apps for different uses such as grocery shopping, household expenses, or even transportation expenses.


You can’t live a long and healthy life without taking the proper precautions to reduce your risk of getting sick or injured. But it’s not easy to find ways to reduce your costs when you’re traveling.

Luckily, there are plenty of apps that let you track your travel costs, like Uber and Lyft, for free. This way, you can easily monitor how much money you’re spending on transportation each month.

For example, if you spend $100 a month on transportation (Uber or Lyft), then that means that every $10 is spent on transportation (Uber) in addition to the cost of gas + tolls + parking = total cost of $120 per month.

Saving money apps, is serious business for my cousin. He uses an app that pays him 10 cents a gallon. He’s an insurance salesmen and travels a lot. He is always showing off how much money he saved using a simple app. 


– With only a few taps, you can see exactly how much money you’re saving on your credit card every month.

This step-by-step guide gives you virtual access to your spending data. You can keep track of all the different bills, expenses, and purchases that make up your daily life. It’s a great way to keep track of your cash flow and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.

Apps like Mint keep track of your spending. Mint helps you keep track of your expenses and break down bills into manageable categories. This simple app is the perfect way to stay on top of your spending so that you don’t end up blowing through your budget like a steam roller.


There are many apps available in playstore that claim to help you save money. But not all of them will help you in reality. So if you want to save your hard-earned money, here are some best money saving apps for Android :

  1. Digit

Digit is a money management app that aims to help people change their spending habits and save more of their income with the help of an algorithm. Just connect your bank account and Digit will figure out how much it can safely withdraw each day to supplement your income.

You can set up multiple savings goals, and Digit will send you reminders when you haven’t saved in a while to prompt you to contribute when you can

2. Acorns:

Acorns is the next-generation investment app that rounds up your everyday purchases, invests the “spare change” and saves you time in doing so. It’s called round-up investing, or micro-investing because it requires no change at all on your part until you decide to make a change, allowing for completely passive investing. Acorns was designed as an app for first-time investors, millennials, and those who don’t have hundreds of dollars lying around.

  1. WiseBanyan:

This app is unique in that it’s completely free to use and doesn’t charge any fees. Instead, you can make deposits into your account with a credit card or transfer money from an existing bank account. You can earn interest on your savings and make investments by having WiseBanyan manage your money. You can also get financial advice through this app.

  1. Coupon Sherpa:

This app’s claim to fame is its ability to figure out which coupons will save you the most money when you’re shopping at brick-and-mortar retailers like Target or Walmart. It breaks down how much cashback you’ll receive off specific items and what the total value of the coupon will be when you pair it with other offers (like a manufacturer’s coupon). The app also features a barcode scanner that works with many popular coupons.


The apps in this article are designed to help you save money. They all have one thing in common: They can help you to make big savings that can be put toward investments or paid out of pocket.

Money apps can be a great way to save money – but they work better if you use all the features and don’t let them become a throw-away app. Every little bit adds up and when your “digital piggy bank” is on your phone and in front of your eyes every day you’ll hopefully be more likely to notice every time you spend some money and think, “Am I really going to do this? Can I afford it?” You might also find that your trips to the ATM are fewer, as you have some cash on hand. Whatever reason it may be for using the apps listed above, or any others you choose, don’t allow the belief that using them won’t help to perpetuate their existence.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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