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The Repossession happened, but it’s hurting other areas of your life. Learn when you…[More]

Getting a copy of your credit report is a crucial part of the process when checking your credit it. You can get your credit report from…[More]

Bad credit can hold you and your family back for a long time. Change that now. Boosting your credit is simple, just…[More]

Medical bills are destroying the livelihood of people all around our country. It’s not only the amount owed, it destroys your credit…[More]

It’s difficult to to buy a home with bad credit, but it can be done. However, you need to read this blog post. It will help you and will warn you about…[More]

This topic causes a lot of division, but I really want to help those facing defaulting on student loans. Let me help in giving you some information…[More]

There can be a lot of benefits and trails when it comes to Co-signing a loan for someone. If you find yourself in this type of situation, you must…[More]

I went broke and the bill collectors had no mercy. This lead to my credit score tanking. One day, I got my credit back on track and changed my life….[More]

The system doesn’t allow us to move forward after a mistake. That hurts the individual and his/her family! Bankruptcy stays on your credit report for…[More]

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