Is Legendary Marketing A Pyramid Scheme?

By: Casey Capozzola

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No, it is a good business; Legendary Marketer is not a pyramid scheme. It is a legitimate business that offers marketing education and tools to its members. Pyramid schemes are illegal and operate by recruiting new members and requiring them to invest money, with the promise of earning a return based on the number of people they recruit. Legendary Marketer does not need its members to recruit others or invest money to earn a return. Instead, it offers its members the opportunity to learn about marketing and earn income by selling products and services to customers.

Why is legendary marketer not a pyramid scheme?

Legendary Marketer is not a pyramid scheme because it is a legitimate business that sells actual products and services to its customers. It is not solely focused on recruiting new members and earning commissions from their efforts, which is a hallmark of a pyramid scheme.

Legendary Marketer offers a variety of educational courses, tools, and resources related to digital marketing and entrepreneurship. Customers can purchase these products and use them to improve their businesses or personal development.

In addition, Legendary Marketer has a clear revenue stream and business model that does not rely on recruiting new members as the primary source of income. While an affiliate program allows members to earn commissions for promoting Legendary Marketer’s products, it is not the main focus of the business and does not constitute a pyramid scheme.

Legendary Marketer is a legitimate business that provides valuable products and services to its customers and is not a pyramid scheme.


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How Does Legendary Marketer Work?

Legendary Marketer is an online marketing training program that teaches people how to promote and sell products or services online effectively. It is designed for individuals who want to start their own online business or improve their existing online marketing skills.

The program consists of various courses, training materials, and tools that help individuals learn about different marketing techniques, such as email marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing. It also provides access to a community of like-minded individuals who can offer support and guidance.

To participate in Legendary Marketer, individuals must purchase a membership package with access to the training materials and tools. The program offers different membership levels, each with varying levels of access and support.

Once a member, individuals can participate in live training sessions, attend webinars, and access a library of marketing resources. They can also get one-on-one coaching and support from experienced marketers.

Overall, Legendary Marketer aims to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help individuals build and grow their online businesses.


What are the steps of the legendary marketer shared funnel?

Here are the essential steps:

Step 1: Homepage (opt-in page)

The first step of the Legendary Marketer Shared Funnel is the homepage, also known as the opt-in page. This is the first page a potential customer will see when visiting the website. The purpose of this page is to capture the visitor’s email address through an opt-in form. This allows the company to send marketing emails and other information about its products or services.

Step 2: Bridge page

The second step of the funnel is the bridge page. This page is designed to provide more information to potential customers and help them decide whether they want to purchase a product or service. This page may include information about the product’s or service’s benefits, customer testimonials, and a call to action to buy.

Step 3: Offer stack (optional)

The third step of the funnel is the offer stack, which is an optional step. This page is designed to present a series of different offers to the potential customer. These offers may include different products or services at different price points. This page aims to give potential customers a range of options to choose from and encourage them to make a purchase.

Step 4: Interview with Dave Sharpe (optional)

The fourth step of the funnel is an optional step that includes an interview with Dave Sharpe, the founder of Legendary Marketer. This interview is designed to provide more information about the company and its products or services. It may also include testimonials from other customers and experts in the field.

Step 5: Beginner proof page (optional)

The fifth step of the funnel is the beginner proof page, which is also an optional step. This page provides information and resources to help beginners get started with affiliate marketing. It may include tips and tricks, case studies, and other helpful resources.

Step 6: “Why affiliate marketing” page (optional)

The sixth and final step of the funnel is the “Why Affiliate Marketing” page, which is also optional. This page is designed to explain the benefits of affiliate marketing and why it is a good option for those looking to make money online. It may include information about the potential income earned through affiliate marketing and the benefits of being your boss.


Why legendary marketer is good

Here are some reasons why legendary marketer is good:

Good quality step-by-step training

The step-by-step training provided by Legendary Marketer is of high quality and covers a wide range of topics related to digital marketing and online business. The training is delivered in an easy-to-follow format, making it easy for beginners to understand and implement. The training also includes video tutorials, worksheets, and other resources to help students learn at their own pace.

Done for your sales funnels

Legendary Marketer provides done-for-you sales funnels that allow students to start generating income almost immediately. These sales funnels are pre-designed and tested to convert leads into customers. Students can focus on driving traffic and promoting their business instead of worrying about creating their funnels from scratch.

Legit Business Model

Legendary Marketer has a legit business model that focuses on providing value to its customers. The company offers a range of high-quality products and services that help students build their online businesses and generate income. The business model is transparent and straightforward, and the company provides support and resources to help students succeed.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Legendary Marketer offers a 30-day guarantee on all its products and services. This means that students can try out the program and see if it’s right for them without risk. If unsatisfied with their purchase, they can request a full refund within 30 days.

High Commissions & Different Options

Legendary Marketer offers high commissions to its affiliates, which means students can earn a significant income by promoting the company’s products and services. The company also offers various options for affiliates, including recurring commissions and a tiered system that rewards affiliates for reaching certain milestones.

Who can benefit from a legendary marketer?

Anyone looking to start or grow their own business, particularly those interested in digital marketing, can benefit from Legendary Marketer. These include the following:

  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to learn how to market their products or services online effectively.
  • Online marketers and social media influencers who want to improve their skills and increase their reach and engagement.
  • Affiliate marketers who want to learn how to promote products and earn commissions online.
  • Freelancers and digital nomads who want to build a successful online business and work from anywhere.
  • Anyone looking to improve their financial literacy and freedom through online marketing.



Legendary Marketer is not a pyramid scheme because it is a legitimate business that sells real products and services to its customers. The company has a clear hierarchy of ranks and rewards based on performance, but it does not rely on recruiting new members as the primary source of income. Additionally, the income earned by members is based on their sales and efforts rather than solely dependent on the success of those they have recruited. Legendary Marketer operates as a legitimate marketing and education company rather than a pyramid scheme.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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