What Is The Net Worth Of Jeff Bezos?

By: Rebecca Poole

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Jeff Bezos net worth: Jeff Bezos is an American entrepreneur. One of the richest people in the world. Founder of the Amazon.com online store. Finances the Blue Origin project – the launch of private spaceships. Jeff Bezos net worth is now $212 billion.

However, this will quickly grow since he is working in and developing more life changing companies across the globe. 

The Early life Of Jeff Bezos:

Jeff was born in the American city of Albuquerque, New Mexico on January 12, 1964. The boy’s mother was 17 years old at the time. Ted Jorgensen, the biological father, refused to take responsibility for the young family, thus the parents quickly divorced. Bezos is said to have never seen his biological father.

Jeff’s keen mind has amazed his parents since he was a child. When he was younger and didn’t want to go to bed, the boy tried to disassemble his own cot with a screwdriver. He once set an alarm to keep his younger brothers and sisters out of the room when he was older. His studies at the Montessori school, as well as living on the ranch with his grandfather, shaped his growth in numerous ways.

The Success Of Jeff Bezos:

He started his major business, Amazon, the world’s largest Internet retailer, on July 5, 1994. It began as a bookstore, but over time evolved. At the very start, Jeff Bezos wanted to name Amazon as Cadabra. 

Jeff Bezos’s net worth reached $1 million when he turned 33 years. And two years later, Jeff Bezos’s net worth reached the point of $1 billion.

The initiative was so successful that Amazon’s value was projected to reach $ 6 billion as early as 1999. Jeff Bezos was continuously attracting new investors to help with the project’s development.

Later, in the same year, Forbes’ World’s Billionaires list first included Jeff Bezos with a net worth of $10.1 billion.

New projects By Jeff Bezos:

Blue Origin, the world’s first private aerospace corporation, was founded by a businessman in the year 2000. Jeff Bezos had long fantasized about the prospect of ordinary people traveling across space.

Jeff purchased The Washington Post in 2013. This sphere appeared attractive and promising to the businessman. Now he’s transferring the newspaper to digital format one step at a time, progressively diminishing the print run.

Donald Trump has criticized Jeff Bezos’ publication on multiple occasions. The former US president claimed that the businessman was using the publication to spread disinformation about the White House’s conduct. This was a statement that Bezos did not agree with.

The charity was not forgotten by the businessman. He gave millions of dollars to the creation of a scientific institution to address the problem of cancer in 2009 and 2010. The Bezos Family Foundation, which supports educational and scientific programs, was also formed by the billionaire.

Is Jeff Bezos The Richest Man in the world: Due to another Forbes ranking, Jeff’s appeared on the front pages of news publications again in 2017. Jeff Bezos’ net worth surpassed $ 100 billion, according to the magazine. As a result, the businessman became the world’s richest man, surpassing Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Jeff Bezos’s net worth had increased to $ 202 billion by August 2020. Bill Gates remained in the back, owing $ 124 billion on his accounts. Elon Musk ranked fourth, with Mark Zuckerberg in third place.

Update, Jeff Bezos is no longer the richest man in the world! 

Inspiration From Jeff Bezos

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Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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