By: Jamie Hernandez

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This is a pretty common question that we can answer right here. Believe it or not, I know a lot about rainbows and I would love to share what colors are in the rainbow in order along with some other ways to remember the colors. 

The beauty of the rainbow brings a long with it religious, social, and historical imagery that means a lot to people. There is also a part of science that studies rainbows and presented that aspect around the world. 

Below, the Colors of the Rainbow are in order. They are: 

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Indigo
  • Violet 
These are the rainbow colors sequence. In other words, this list answers the question of what colors are in the rainbow in order. 

How many rainbow colors are there? 

There are 7 colors in the rainbow and the  list of rainbow colors can be found above.

 How to remember rainbow colors? 

The Rainbow colors sequence can be remembered by using a acronym for rainbow colors. The acronym for rainbow colors is the name Roy G. Biv.

Again, the name Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the rainbow colors. Look at the list below for further explanation 

First name ROY – R.O.Y

  • R- Red
  • O- Orange
  • Y- Yellow

Middle Initial G – G.

  • G- Green 

Last Name  BIV – B.I. V

  • B- Blue 
  • I- Indigo 
  • V- Violet 

We hope that answers the question to what colors are in the rainbow in order. 

Check Out The Perfect Rainbow

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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