What Are ClickFunnels?

By: Casey Capozzola

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ClickFunnels is a sales and marketing software platform that helps businesses create, manage, and optimize their sales and marketing processes using various tools and features. These tools include landing pages, email marketing, sales funnels, lead magnets, webinars, and more. ClickFunnels aims to streamline the sales and marketing process and help businesses increase conversions and revenue. ClickFunnels can be used by businesses of all sizes and industries and is particularly popular with small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to grow and scale their businesses.

7 Ways to make money with ClickFunnels

Here are the seven ways you can use to make money with ClickKFunnels:


E-commerce refers to selling physical or digital products through an online platform, such as a website or app. Using ClickFunnels, individuals or businesses can create landing pages, sales pages, and order forms to promote and sell their products to a wider audience. You can also use the platform’s email marketing and automation features to follow up with customers and track their sales.

Informational  Products

This refers to digital products such as ebooks, courses, or membership sites that provide valuable information or education to the user. To make money with ClickFunnels through information products, you must create a sales funnel that leads potential customers to your product page and then guides them through the purchasing process. You can also use ClickFunnels to create upsells and cross-sells to increase your overall revenue.


Suppose you are a coach or consultant offering services such as business coaching, personal development coaching, or nutrition consulting. In that case, you can use ClickFunnels to create a sales funnel to promote your services and attract new clients. This can include creating landing pages, opt-in forms, and email campaigns to generate leads and convert them into paying customers.


Suppose you are a freelancer or agency offering website design, graphic design, or digital marketing services. In that case, you can use ClickFunnels to create a sales funnel to promote your services and attract new clients. This can include creating landing pages, opt-in forms, and email campaigns to generate leads and convert them into paying customers.

Network Marketing

Network marketing refers to a business model in which individuals promote and sell products or services through a network of independent distributors. Network marketers can use ClickFunnels to promote and sell their products or services to a wider audience through landing pages, sales pages, and order forms. They can also use the platform’s email marketing and automation features to follow up with potential customers and distributors.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to a business model in which individuals promote and sell products or services on behalf of other businesses in exchange for a commission. Affiliates can use ClickFunnels to promote and sell products or services through landing pages, sales pages, and order forms. They can also use the platform’s email marketing and automation features to follow up with potential customers and track their sales.

B2B Lead-Gen

B2B lead generation refers to generating leads for businesses that sell products or services to other businesses. To make money with ClickFunnels through B2B lead generation, you can create a sales funnel to attract potential leads for businesses in your target market. This can include creating landing pages, opt-in forms, and email campaigns to generate leads and convert them into paying customers.

What are the benefits of a good click funnel?

Here are some of the benefits of a good ClickFunnel

  • Increases conversion rates: A good click funnel helps guide potential customers through the sales process, providing them with the information and resources they need to purchase. This helps to increase the likelihood that they will complete the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.
  • Generates traffic: A well-designed click funnel can attract potential customers to your website or landing page through various marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. This can help to increase the overall traffic to your site, which can, in turn, lead to more conversions.
  • Allows you to nurture prospects: A click funnel will enable you to nurture prospects by providing them with valuable information and resources to help them make an informed decision. This includes product demos, case studies, and customer reviews. You can help build trust and establish credibility with potential customers by providing this information.
  • Builds loyalty: A good click funnel can help to build loyalty with customers by providing a seamless and personalized experience. This can include things like personalized recommendations and upsells, as well as personalized email campaigns. By providing this type of personalized experience, you can help to build long-term relationships with your customers, which can, in turn, lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

How do clickfunnels differ from a landing page?

A landing page is a standalone web page created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It is designed to direct the visitor to take a specific action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

On the other hand, a click funnel is a series of pages that guide the visitor through a predetermined sales process. Each page in the funnel is designed to lead the visitor towards a specific action, such as filling out a form or purchasing. The purpose of a click funnel is to convert visitors into customers by guiding them through a carefully designed sales process.

There are a few key differences between a landing page and a click funnel:

  • Structure: A landing page is standalone, while a click funnel consists of multiple linked pages.
  • Purpose: A landing page is designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. In contrast, a click funnel is designed to guide the visitor through a sales process and ultimately convert them into customers.
  • Flow: A landing page has a single focus, while a click funnel has multiple steps designed to lead the visitor toward a specific action.


How to create a click funnel

To create a good ClickFunnel, consider the following:

  • Begin with your landing page: The first step in creating a click funnel is to create a landing page for your website or online business. This page should clearly explain your offering and why it is valuable to your potential customers. It should also have a clear call-to-action, such as a form to fill out or a button to click, to encourage visitors to take the next step in the funnel.
  • Generate leads: Once your landing page is set up, it’s time to generate leads. This can be done through various marketing techniques, such as social media advertising, email marketing, or content marketing. The goal is to get as many people as possible to visit your landing page and take the next step in the funnel.
  • Lead nurturing: Once you have generated leads, it’s important to nurture them and keep them engaged with your business. This can be done through email marketing, where you send regular updates and offers to your leads, or through social media, where you can interact with them and offer support and guidance.
  • Analyze feedback and keep it going: Finally, it’s important to continuously analyze the performance of your click funnel and make adjustments as needed. This can involve analyzing customer feedback, testing different landing page variations, or adjusting your lead nurturing tactics. By continuously iterating and improving your funnel, you can maximize its effectiveness and drive more conversions for your business.


ClickFunnell is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. ClickFunnels is also suitable for businesses in various industries, including e-commerce, coaching, consulting, and digital marketing. If you want to improve your online sales process and increase conversions, ClickFunnels may be the right choice. However, it is essential to note that ClickFunnels is not a magic solution and requires effort and strategy to be effective.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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