More than 101 Ways To Make Money

By: Michael Sava

DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning this site may receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at absolutely no cost to you. This please read my affiliate disclosure page for more information. Also, please read our article disclaimer

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Making extra money can be a game changer. It may help you pay off your debt, save for things like vacations, vehicle repair, or even a new home. I truly want people to stop living paycheck to paycheck, reach retirement sooner, and  not feel stuck at their job. The Truth is, I can’t give you one answer to fit all my readers predicaments. We are all in different situations. However, most of us just need to make extra money to get us where we need to be. 

Ways To Make Money

When I went back to school in 2017, I lived off of my savings for three years and a little bit of student loans. I graduated in May of 2020. The virus extended my time of not being employed and I legit went broke. It is a goal of mine, to help educate people to never be in that situation or at least sound the alarm on how horrible it can be. 

So, let me tell you about ways to make extra money! I spent a lot of time in research and writing to provide this information to people who need some inspiration.  I am going to adding more ideas to the bottom of the list, so please check back often.  I just ask you look at these and don’t put any limitations on what I say. This can be considered to be a list of side hustles to make extra money,  business ideas to start, or even ways to make extra money from home. It all depends on what your goals are! 

1. Free Stocks from Robinhood 

One of the best ways to make money, is by taking it when it’s offered.  Robinhood gives away a free stock to new customers.  It can range to a couple of bucks to over $200. Seriously, you can watch your stock value go up, cash out, or use it as a starting point for buying more stocks and building a portfolio. They also have referral payments for up to $500.00!  I am a customer of Robinhood myself and recommend it.  Get your free stock from Robinhood.

  •       If you like getting free stocks and crypto, check out the article: Where to get free stocks. No joke, this can be very profitable. 

2. Start A Credit Repair Business*

Start your own credit repair business. This is highly profitable, in demand, and literally creating millionaires. This can be a great full time income or side hustle.  If you want to learn more about starting a credit repair business, want to get trained, or ready to start now. Click here to start. 


3. Survey Time

I seriously suggest signing up for most, if not the all of these survey companies to maximizing your income. Full disclosure, some do really well, and some take a long time for little money, but over time it adds up. It’s suggested to find a few of the survey companies you like working with the most and maximize it’s income. This is a great way to make extra money at home or anywhere else out in the world. It’s super simple! Don’t stop, keep at it and let the money add up!  I would consider this more of a Side Hustle to make money then a full time business to start. Click the Companies below to sign up and start getting paid!

4. Invest In Real Estate

It doesn’t matter how much you have, you can start investing in rehabbing real estate property. I am a customer of Groundfloor and make money from my small investments. You can invest $10 and up and  once you get started, they will give you $10.00 to invest with. Check out Groundfloor! This isn’t an everyday job, but a great way to make extra money on the side. 

5. Become A High Ticket Affiliate Marketer 

By definition, affiliate marketing is an arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website, person, or marketer for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.  If you refer a sale for something that costs a dollar, you will only get 2 cents, if you’re lucky! However, if you sell items that are high ticket, then you can make a substantial amount of money. I took the legendary markinter 15 day challenge, so I invite you to take it as well. There you will learn how to get high dollar commissions. 

6. Build A Website Or Blog

If you’re looking for a creative way to make money, then blogging might just be the answer. And with so many people starting their own blogs these days there are plenty of opportunities out there!  Divide The Sea is building a website that educates those who want to change their life! What’s your passion? After you answer that, let the world know about it!  We suggest writing one blog post a day, that adds up!  Check out our blog post on How to Build A Website Or Blog AND make money.

7. Make Clickfunnels and Make Huge Profits

Clickfunnels, takes about 1 hour to 2 hours to make and the profits are high. ClickFunnels is a sales funnel that helps a businesses automate their sales process from A to Z. Some of the time, free templates are already made and it can be made within an hour. Click here to check it out. 

8.  Become A Youtuber

This is totally free to start! Starting a YouTube Channel can difficult, but if it is something you’re passionate about, then how can you not be motivated to make a YouTube Channel. Don’t depend on making money on YouTube alone. Let that lead for you to sell books, your products, or services. It can be great to even send you a donation to keep learning more. If you need help in getting traffic on YouTube get help with a company called VidIQ or  Tubebuddy

9. Mow Some Yards

This is a million dollar idea, literally. Mowing lawns, killing weeds, and trimming edges are just some of the many ways you can make money. We suggest that once you get a few accounts, agree to mow their lawns all on the same day, and then rent the equipment until you can afford the following: 

  1. Lawn Mower 
  2. String Trimmer
    1. Weed Whacker and Edger in one
  3. Some Business Cards To Expand Your Business
  4. Get your logo and website from Marbury Web Design

10. Notary Signing Agent

We were shocked to see how much a notary signing agent makes. This can be a comfortable side hustle with multiple jobs to choose from or go full time and rake in that money. Once you get established, you can hire some employees and scale this business to reach millions.  We are really excited about this one because being a notary signing agent isn’t a career that many know about.  Click here to learn more!

11. Sell Things on eBay and Amazon 

This is a great way to make some extra cash or full time income.  You can sell all sorts of things like furniture to old key chains! Create an account with eBay or Amazon (or another sites) and watch the sales come in. We suggest start out by selling anything cluttering around your home, garage, storage space. Once you have your items, do a little research on how much it’s selling for, and put them up for sale. This is a great way to make extra money at home, but don’t limit yourself. It can start off and remain a side hustle from home or can be a business that expands to a store front (people bring in their stuff to sell on your eBay account and you keep a commission). 

  •                Check out the most popular things selling on Amazon. Assess if you can jump on these trends. 

 12. Learn the Ukuleles and Play For People 

If you’re good at something, don’t do it for free! Learn this instrument and you can profit from it. Give lessons on YouTube, play in the city, or give lessons in person. This will make you some money! Learn how to play, by clicking here.

13. Become A Tutor 

Become a tutor in person or online! Not only will you get paid, you’re making a positive impact  on someone’s life.  There are different types of options depending on your preference or you can take advantage of all the opportunities. Yes, you can do this full time. It all starts out with taking your first step, posting on Facebook, or reaching out to local high schools and universities.

  • Tutor as a class: You can create your own online course, record it and upload it to Udemy. That way, anytime someone purchases your class, you get paid!  It’s great because you are earning income for only teaching the class once
  • Tutor Face to Face: You can tutor face to face by listing yourself on MyTutor or Superprof. I think it’s best starting off tutoring at a local coffee shop or at the very least, over Zoom (It’s free!). A Facebook post to family and friends and then expanding to emailing a local high school and university are the best way to get the business going. 
  • Tutor Overseas -Full time: There are many programs where you can teach English overseas. I had a few family members who did this for a few years. They were getting paid, living overseas, sightseeing and just enjoying life.  It’s totally possible to make more money by documenting your travel on a blog or YouTube Channel. 

14. Make Money Taking and Selling Your Pictures

Wait…wait wait…. you don’t need expensive cameras to get paid here. If you are into taking good photos, upload them to Photo Job, and let them get you the sales! 

15: Start A Power Washing Company 

Power Washing is an up and coming service with a lot of profit to be made. It takes a little time to learn, but once you do, you can be on your way to making $1,000 a day. Be sure to get trained (working with chemicals), know your ladder safety, form your business, speak to an attorney, and get insurance (at the very least). If you can’t afford the equipment or just don’t want to pay for it, you don’t have to. Go to Home Depot and rent it for the day. You’ll still make a profit. If you want to buy equipment now or in the future, please click here.

16. Make Balloon Animals and GET PAID

I was at the Taste of Chicago a few years ago. I sat across the way of a man making balloon animals. He was charging two dollars a creation. He had the longest line at the fest. It’s a skill, it’s very profitable, and doesn’t cost much to start. I still see that guy downtown and the tourists love him. Learn how to make balloons animals here or to get the best deals on supplies here.

17. Be a Dog Walker

Some people have an overwhelming love for animals, and if you’re one of them then this could be the perfect job. You will work with your clients by checking up on their pets at home or staying over while they are gone! Even getting paid to take them on daily walks or visits. This doesn’t cost you anything, just let people know about your services on Facebook and telling everyone about your business.

18. Groom Pets

A mobile pet grooming business is a great idea for those who want to get in touch with their inner self-care giver side. 

19. Train Pets

If you like to work with animals, then consider becoming an animal trainer. You could help pet owners teach their pets how behave better and do tricks. A great way to make extra money whether it’s a side hustle to make extra money or a full time business.

20. Become A Wedding DJ

The Wedding Industry is going to boom in the next couple of years. The Industry is a profitable in general, but Covid has delayed weddings causing everything to be in demand! This includes, DJ’s!  Due to such high demand, prices are going up too! Get prepared now and start making money. Get your DJ equipment here.

21. Wedding Photo Booth Business. 

This is one of the best ways to make money! As I stated above, the wedding industry is going to report record number amount of profits. There is just too much demand causing prices to rise (not to mention inflation).  The great thing about photo booth business is that you can make extra money working one location and you can make even more money employing others to be at other locations. People are building profitable, full time business with this.  Check Photo booth products out here! 

22. Start A Woodworking Business with 125% Profit.

This is a unique business that profits are over 125%!  If you are looking for a new skill and want to make some money with your artistic side, check out woodworking! 

23. Become A Certified Life Coach

In today’s world, there are an increasing amount of people who need direction, motivation, and all around support. If you are a person that enjoys serving your fellow man, this may be for you. Get certified, market your websiteform a business, and get to work!

24. Auto Detail Business

Call around and ask how much people are charging for a car detail! It’s equivalent to speaking to some really expensive lawyer! This can be a great full time business or a side hustle. It’s easy to start and it’s a service that makes people happy. Get an auto detailing kit and start making money

25. Washing Windows

This is an easy and relatively cheap way to make some extra money on the side. There are a lot of people who think that window washing is just for the high-end business, but this simply isn’t true. Window washing is easy and profitable if done right! We highly recommend, get your basic equipment, then go to ALL of your businesses in your area. Introduce yourself at an appropriate time, with a short 1 minute elevator pitch, and (don’t be shy) ask them for their business!

26. Paint Houses

If you’re looking for a way to make some money, look no further! Painting houses is a great opportunity that can provide you with a full-time income. You don’t need any experience or special skills- just the willingness to work hard and and find those jobs. We highly recommend, you do your research and paint your own house (inside and out). Doing a great job with a professional attitude can net you tons of cash and referrals!

27. Learn Magic

 I started my first business when I was 12 years old. I saw live show of David Copperfield and my life changed. I wanted to an illusionist. My parents bought me a magic set, I practiced tricks until I mastered them. I bought a few more tricks. My dad surprised me one day with a 1,000 business cards. Here I am, no joke, decades later and grade school friends still ask me to do magic shows (yes and offer to pay me) for their kids party! Income, Income, Income!

28. Become an Uber/Lyft Driver

Rideshare has become one of the most popular ways to earn some extra cash on your own time. You can make up to $35 an hour (or more) driving with Uber and Lyft. I drive for both and what I love is meeting (networking) with all sorts of people in my city and suburbs.

29. Delivery Driver 

Drive and deliver (via car, walking, or bicycle) with DoorDash. I deliver for Doordash too and hope to continue to do so! 

30. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a great way to make extra money.  It provides administrative services to clients (individual business owners  corporations) while operating outside of the client’s office and even on their own hours. This can scale up to six figures. I first heard of becoming a virtual assistant while attending a talk about 5 years ago. It was titled “Side Hustle For A Stay At Home Mom”. Anyone can be a virtual assistant and we  encourage you to find such jobs for ways to make extra money at home or at your office!

31. Become A Handyman 

It doesn’t matter if you want to do this as a side gig or something full time, becoming a handyman can net you millions. There are jobs that may be too big for a beginner, but high profits can be earned at an level.

32. Become a Bartender 

Get hired at a busy location and watch the cash come in. Busy locations, have a lot of people who tip. Base pay, plus tip adds up quick. Side Note: Be sure to network while tending bar! This can lead great business leads in the future. 

33. Become A Substitute Teacher 

Substitute teaching provides valuable transferable skills for other careers, such as problem-solving, public speaking, time management, and experience working with students of all ages. Substitute teaching doesn’t take too much of your time and looks great on your resume. The best thing about such as job, is you can be a great role model for our future leaders. 

34. Start Selling T-Shirts Online

This maybe one of the easiest business to start! Honestly, you don’t even have to come up with your own designs anymore,  you don’t have to buy thousands of dollars worth of equipment either, nor do you have to find a place to lease!  If you are seriously looking to make extra money, start a side hustle, or create a profitable business, then  get into selling  t-shirts online! There are people pulling in over $100,000 in profit a year by selling t-shirts. Create even more business offline too!  Check out our blog post for a step by step tutorial by clicking here.

  •               Just an example,  check out how many of these shirts actually sell. 

35. Sell Plasma

Selling plasma is a great way to make extra cash and it also helps save lives! It’s really a win for all parties involved. The great thing about plasma, is your body generates more, so you can donate again and save more lives.

36. Get Paid To Be Part of A Medical Testing Group.

Some medical testing groups pay up to $10,000! Medical testing is a bit difficult since there are limited positions and many people trying to pick up way to make extra money

37. Flip items from the dollar store (Or anywhere else)

If you are looking for a way to make extra money from your home, dollar stores should be at the top of list. You can find all types of items in these locations that people would normally buy for more than a dollar. So, you can buy the item and then resell them on eBay or Amazon for a huge profit! 

38.  Design and Sell Logos

If you’re looking for a way to make money from home, designing logos is an excellent option. Take a look at Marbury Web Design, they make logos for companies, bands, churches, and other organizations around the world.

39. Sell Printed Materials

It is simple simple to go and get an order for business cards from a business or organization. After, go home, get on amazon, and place the order They will make the business cards for you and deliver it to you. All you have to do is double the price and deliver it. 

40. Flip Textbooks For High Profit

This is one of the best ways to make money! Yes, Flipping textbooks should not be looked at as a side hustle to make money, but a legitimate business to start with very little start up costs!  I personally know a guy who brings in 600k a year doing this. Focus on textbooks, they are much more profitable than others. 

41. Start Investing In Stocks

Investing in stocks may be a way to make money. If you own a stock and the price goes up, you make money. *This isn’t financial advice, people make money doing this and people lose money doing this. If you want to start investing, I recommend Robinhood. Sign up and get free stock too!

42. Become A Social Media Manager

The best part about being a social media manager is that you get to be creative and use your imagination. This can be a great side hustle from home or a legitimate full-time, highly profitable business! You’re not just limited to sharing content, but can create strategies too! This is a job that is becoming more and more in demand and vital to small and large businesses alike! Check out this course to learn what can help small business and their social media needs. 

43.  Piano Playing 

There are numerous places where a piano player can make money. Check out how much performers at piano bars are making, Churches need piano players for Sunday services as well as during the week, for special occasions (walking down the aisle, graduation, etc).  Learn how to play piano here

44. Get A Part-Time Job

Ways to make extra money doesn’t always have to involve starting your own business or side hustle. Simply, getting a part-time job can help in a major way. I don’t believe an extra part-time job in addition to your full time job is  sustainable for long periods of time (you need to sleep, spend time with family, rest, etc). However, it can get you enough money to catch up on bills, investment capital, or just prepare for future rainy days.

45. Find A Better Paying Job.

Once in a while my professor would lecture on real world work issues. One lesson stayed with me and probably always will. He stated we should “always be looking for a higher paying job”. This isn’t advice, but maybe a new better paying job is just what you need.

46. Ask For A Few More Hours at Work or Higher Commission Rate. 

Sometimes, when we need to make extra money, we don’t need much more. In some cases, asking for a few more hours a week or higher commission rate, will solve that issue. Budget, see what your boss says, if not, look for a better paying job or get a part time job as stated above. This isn’t advise, just something to reflect on. 

47. Early Newspaper Delivery 

Morning delivery for a news paper is a great way to make extra money. This doesn’t get in the way to your normal 9 -5. Get your papers and make your delivery.

48. Create A City Wide Walking Tour

Look, get on Groupon and sell tickets to your walking tour. Obviously, you’d want to map out locations to visit, make deals with business owners (bring the tour in to their business and receive discounts), and let people know about your cities great history!  I am thinking about starting this in my town because I love talking about Chicago.

49. Start A Groupon Class Held At A City Park

A few years ago, my sister bought her husband and me tickets to a photography class held at a local park. She purchased two $40.00 dollar tickets. It was a great birthday gift because I just purchased a DSLR Camera. However, I have to focus on how much he was getting paid. There was 30 people there. He does this twice a week! Learn your skill and teach it.

50. Get Paid To Test Websites

People are making money online, pretty much surfing the web. Check out and get paid to test websites. It’s a pretty cool way to make money at home. If you don’t have IT skills, that’s okay, they want honest feedback from an everyday user.

51. Ask For Donations

There are two examples, a buddy from high school asked on Facebook, if people can donate money for him to buy Christmas gifts for his kids. It was done!  Another, was a widow of a person I know, she asked for donations, and received over 300k.  There are people who love to help. If you need money, ask. It’s okay.

52. Become A Social Media Influencer 

Many people dream of being able to make a living off their social media profiles. It is not uncommon for someone who has become an influencer to make thousands of dollars per month, or even more. If you are interested in becoming a social media influencer, here are some things that you should do to increase your chances of success!

  • Create Good Content
  • Share your Social Media Pages with everyone you know
  • Use Hashtags
  • Work with other social media influencers to get exposure

Check out my blog post on: How To Be A Social Media Influencer

53. Sell Your Unused Or Gently Used Gift Cards

If you have any gift cards in your wallet consider selling them. There are many websites out there who will give you cash for these unused cards! Gift cards are great, but sometimes, they are for places you don’t even go to.


54. Hold A Garage Sale

A garage sale can be an easy way to make extra money. It’s items that have around the house, not items that you have to purchase to resell.

55.  Get Paid Flying Your Drone

I can’t talk about all the ways you can make extra money flying a drone here, but I will blog about it one day. Drones are becoming big business! If you have a drone:

  • Photographers need your assistance when filming a wedding,
  • Content Creators need your skills and video for their YouTube channel,
  • Realtors want you to take footage to help sell a house!

It’s literally a full time business!

56. Sell on Etsy 

We suggest that if you’re thinking about selling something on Etsy, do it now! There are still a ton of people who haven’t heard of Etsy yet. Get in and get established before the rush!

57. Sell on Craigslist

Craigslist is pretty cool. If you want to sell things put it online. I like craigslist because I don’t want to deal with shipping. I enjoy having people pick up their purchase (or you just dropping  it off). Be sure to be careful meeting anyone in person. 

58. Homesitter and/or Petsitter 

 There is a great money maker in being a home sitter or pet sitter. House Carers is a new website, but it’s growing. Get in now, so that you can have a dominant presence when this becomes popular. 

59.Try Out Seasonal Jobs 

The holidays are a great time to earn extra money with a seasonal job.   This year seasonal hires are in particularly high demand. Inflation and shortages will not lower the rate in which companies hire seasonal workers, but increase positions to handle the demand 

60. Pick Change On The Ground.

I made over $5,000 picking change up off the ground. There is a little more to it than that. Read about it by clicking here

61. Use Taskrabbit 

Make extra money by putting your skills to work! TaskRabbit makes it easy for you to find paying customers in your area. Task Rabbit,  is an American online and mobile marketplace that matches freelance labor with local demand, allowing consumers to find immediate help with everyday tasks, including cleaning, moving, delivery and handyman

62.  Rent Storage space

Did you know that people will pay to store their extra space in a garage, basement, or back room of their business? My dad rented a neighbors garage for $150 a month.

63. Rent Your Car 

Did you know that it’s possible to rent out your car or truck to others in your area. It hasn’t been confirmed, but I met people who have bought automobiles and started their own rental car side hustle. You won’t have a problem finding customers. Check out the Turo App. Turo is an American peer-to-peer car sharing company based in San Francisco, United States. In over 56 countries they allow private car owners to rent their vehicle online and through a mobile interface which has been proven as the most effective way for people looking to make extra money!

64. Become A Landlord

A Landlord can make money from rental properties in two ways. First, the landlord hopes that his rental property will appreciate in value in the long-term. Secondly, they collect rent that covers there expenses with some profit remaining. Purchasing property isn’t for everyone. It takes a lot of time, study, money, and patients to be a landlord.  Click How Being A Landlord Cost me $20,000 to hear about my experience. 

65. Find Your Old Phones and Sell Them Back To The Stores or to Friends

I needed some money and was looking at my old stuff packed away. I found my Nextel I860 and Nextel I930. Nextel isn’t even around anymore, but those sold for a nice chunk of change. I have a ton more android phones that I am hoping to sell. There is some good money in selling your old phones. Even if they are phones you practically given away, it’s better than sitting in a drawer. 

66. Write Resumes 

This is one of the best ways to make money. Writing Resumes  can be a legitimate six figure business and it can be done anywhere. All it takes is spending some time, learning the ins and outs of what makes a quality resume. Spend a little time with your customer and write a resume for them. It’s a win all around. First, you will be helping people and their families, and secondly you will be making money. 

67. Write Business Plans

Depending on the company you can charge thousands for a great business plan. This will serve as a foundation for the business and guide it’s future. A business plan must be done well and is reviewed by stakeholders, business creditors, and lawyers. 

68. Write Articles For Websites

Blogs and Websites are always looking for more content. Meaning these websites are looking pay people for their reviews, blogs, instructions, opinion articles, and more. Ultimately, one person can only do so much, so website owners need you and want to work with you. Even if that means paying you. Contact us to write an article or two or a thousand.

69. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a relatively new business model that allows entrepreneurs to start their own ecommerce store without having to worry about inventory or fulfilling orders. As a result, many people are turning towards this opportunity in order to start generating income from home. We do dropshipping in our online store (on some products) and know all about it. Check it out!

70. Virtual Travel Agent

If you enjoy finding good travel deals and want to work remote, then getting paid as a virtual travel agent is just right for you.
A professional can help with booking business trips or personal ones; all the logistics and issues will be handled by them! Check out Full Speed Travel and how they are revolutionizing the Travel Industry.

71. Flip Domain Names

Domain flipping involves buying certain domains at low costs with the intention of selling them on a later date.  When I find a domain name that I like,  I purchase it. I have a for sale sign on the homepage with a link to my email address. Then I negotiate when someone wants to buy. 

72. Voice over artist

Voiceover artists are auditory performers who work on everything from video games and commercials to audiobooks, apps, and e-learning courses. They’re best known as voice actors though their talent extends far beyond just acting out scripts in sound bites. This may be difficult to break into at first, but can be a very profitable side hustle or full-time business.

73. Translator

Do you know a second language? Are you bilingual or multilingual? If so, there are many ways to make money with your knowledge!  You can start your own business and translate books, documents, websites for your clients or work for various government agencies around the world. If these opportunities don’t interest you, be a tutor. Think about Traveling abroad to teach or taking travelers (who are unfamiliar with the country language)over in a tour group!

74. Write for Medium

The Medium platform has thrived at a time when many other writer-generated sites have struggled. Especially ones with topics from all over the world and interests for every reader out there! Featuring massive traffic, an option to put content behind their pay wall (or make it freely accessible 100% of the time), and strong push on revenue through membership – this website offers diverse opportunities that will allow you to diversify income. This is great passive income, once you write your article and post on, you get paid. 

75. Proofreading:

Proofreading is a business that can make well into the six figure mark.  Yes, people from all levels need proof readers. This can be done part time or full time. I know someone who has made money proofreading a high school student’s homework, law school student papers, and even texts from books to be published. One thing they have in common, is that they all pay her and are returning customers.  

76. Podcaster:

It’s clear there is money to be made in podcasting. It’s estimated that Joe Rogan, was paid over 100 millions dollars to move his show over from YouTube to Spotify. If you have a passion about something and love to talk about it, then start a podcast.  The cool thing is, podcasts are free. Check out to start your free podcast and get paid when you run commercials via Anchor. Later on, you can get sponsors and/or sell your own products and make even more money! 

77. Daycare

A Daycare business doesn’t have to be expensive start, but we have to stress that you’re working with children. Be sure to follow all the laws for this type of business, it’s best to consult a lawyer before starting. Daycares can be a way to make a lot of money. It can be at your home, place of business, or the child’s home. If you are someone who is great with children and would love to be involved in child care  full time, part time, or occasionally, then day care is the way to go. 

78. Laundry Business

Many of us are not in the financial level to open up a laundry mat, but we can start a laundry business. I never tried this one, but a guy near my house does this. He has flyers and trucks. He picks up your laundry  and dry cleaning and brings it back the next day. He and his wife run the business out of their garage. They have big plans and hope to start a franchise soon.

79. Event Staff

This is similar to my entry of getting a part time job, however event staff gets some more perks than just trading time for money. Event staff is responsible for ensuring that events run smoothly and the concert goer’s are content. They assist in operational aspects of an event, such as logistics or crowds; but their exact job duties depend on where there’s a need within these fields! I have seen multiple sporting events, concerts, and WWE live shows just to show people to their seat. Yes, I was payed hourly too!  The best part of event staff , is that this can be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday gigs. 

80. Odd Jobs on Craigslist

There are many ways to make money, but one of the most fun and fulfilling way is by doing odd jobs. Odd jobs provide a great way to earn some extra cash while getting out into the world and meeting new people. This can be part time, it can give you an opportunity to improve your skills, and even the start of your own business. We suggest checking out Craigslist to find jobs, but ALWAYS exercise caution meeting people offline. 

81. Be Someone’s Friend is a website where you can rent local friends from all over the world to hang out with, go to movies with,  try new restaurants with, or attend parties with! There are people who are new to town or simply don’t want to go to places alone. If you’re friendly and like to meet new people, check out Rent A Friend. 

82. Meal Planner

Planning your weekly menu can be so much fun! It makes me feel like I’m putting a little bit of organization into the chaos of life. People want such a service, having meals planned for the week, solves a problem. People are busy and don’t have time to prepare let alone plan what they are going to feed their family. 

83. Wedding Planner

This can be a business that can make well into the six-figures. If you are a person who can handle stress, are organized, and love to be part of a love story then this is the job for you. This is a great gig for people who like to network and are creative. Click here to learn about how to get started.

84. Mystery Shopper

Mystery shopping can be a great way to earn money, meet new people, and provide feedback that is much appreciated by companies. You will often get paid for your time in exchange for providing valuable information on how stores are run or what their employees do when interacting with customers. In most cases mystery shoppers must buy something before they’re reimbursed up to an agreed  amount which makes sure everyone knows exactly where everything stands beforehand! There are also different types of Mystery Shopper jobs, for example, you can a mystery shopper over a phone and provide valuable information about your experience of calling in. 

85. Use Cashback Programs

Authentic cash-back sites are fairly straightforward. Users sign up for a free membership and then typically use the website as their personal shopping portal. Rather than going directly to a retailer’s website, you first log in to your preferred cash-back site, click on a link that would take you to that retailer’s site, and then complete your shopping as usual. 

After the cash-back site verifies your transaction, the earnings get approved. That is based on the dollar amount of your purchase and the cash-back offer at that time.

86.  Flip Antiques 

If you love to shop for antiques, why not take the next step and start buying them? You can find gently-used pieces at flea markets or estate sales. This side hustle involves more hands on work than flipping other types of items but it often comes with higher profit margins as well! I called it a side hustle, but this can be a highly profitable business. 

87. Help People Organize Their Home

Do you love making spaces clean and tidy? Home organizers help people sort through their clutter and create clean, organized spaces they’d proud to call their own. As a home organizer, you’ll visit your client’s home and evaluate their organizational needs.

88. Recycling 

There are many, many items out there you can recycle for ways to make extra money. This may include cans, bottles, and metal scraps. I learned this from a buddy of mine in college. He was in a Frat. On Sunday morning, he would wake up really early, clean up all the beer cans. He then took them back  and earned 10 cents a can. Imagine, getting all the frats and sororities to collect can for you, you would clean up.

89. Write An Ebook

Writing a book can be very profitable. The great thing is, can cost you very little to produce and you can sell them, even while you sleep. Get an e-commerce website from Marbury Web Design or build a website yourself, and sell your e-book. Tell your story, teach about your passion, get your name out there! We sell a number of E-books (some free, some 99 cents, and some over a hundred dollars!) We sell them while we sleep!

90. Writing Book

It is said, “we all have a story to tell”, but it’s up to us to tell it. In our history, there is no easier time to write and publish a book. Even self publishers are making millions of dollars. A books can be a great way to be seen, heard, and remembered.

91. Buy an existing business or website

Buying a business may be the way to go if you’re looking for a steady stream of income. There are many options available and we can help you figure out which one is the best fit! It’s best to be protected in purchasing a business. Get a lawyer. As far as websites, just because they say they are getting a million unique visitors a month and making millions a day, that’s all talk. Verify! Find a professional who knows how to protect you. 

92. Vending machine business

Yes, it is easy to start a vending machine business. However, be warned, it is a hustle.  The entrepreneur needs to always be adding locations to his business. It is easy and inexpensive to start. We don’t recommend buying machines in groups of ten, like some places recommend.  There is no shame in buying one at a time.  Equipment is easy to buy, click here to see.

93. Bounce House Rental

A Bounce House Rental business is a great way to make extra money. It is labor intensive, but a business that can net you a full time income just buy working the weekends. This isn’t a side hustle you can just put together. Please be sure to purchase insurance and follow all laws and safety precautions.  This type of business deals with  children and we all want them safe. Buy your bounce house here!

94. Rent Tools

Tools are expensive which makes it difficult for people to purchase them. Especially if they only need them for a day or two!  Tool Rental is the industry that has a recognized benefit at all levels. Just go to your local big box hardware store and see how many people are renting the most common of tools. It’s big business.  Do go out and buy expensive equipment at first, rent out tools you already own. See what kind of equipment is in demand in your circle and see if you can make it work. 

95. Become a notary

Two ways to look at this type of business. First, this is treated as an add-on to some business (like a law or insurance office). However, there are people turning this into a full time business. It is limited in how much you can charge (and it’s only a couple of bucks). Yet, you can charge for travel. Do some research and start making money.

96. Vehicle Advertising

You can turn your car into a rolling billboard for instant cash! If you’re driving your automobile anyway, you may as well get paid! You just hang a nifty sign on the roof or a magnetic advertisement on the side of your vehicle!  You can make even more money if you are doing this while driving for Uber, Grubhub, Lyft, Postmates, or for a local delivery location.

97. Lose weight

Yes, get paid to lose weight via a mobile app.  Do your own research and see which works best for you!

  • Diebet
  • Healthywage
  • Stickk
  • Achievement 
  • Walgreens Balance Rewards

I would capitalize it even more by adding some services and product to my work.

  • Selling your own products
    • Food & Diet Cheat Sheets
    • Your E-book
  • Influencer
  • Business
    • Become a Personal Trainer 

98. Purchase bonds

(*This is not investment advise) Bonds are one of the safest investments for your money. They offer a lower rate of return than stocks, but they are very unlikely to lose any value at all. Bonds can be purchased from different companies and governments, so it is important to do some research before purchasing anything. You should also have an idea of what you want your investment goals to be in order to get the most out of bonds. Purchasing bonds is a great way for both novice investors and seasoned professionals alike to make money!

99. Start A Homestead

This blog post is about making money, so I really wont get into all the money you would be saving growing your own crops (it’s super easy to by the way). I am suggesting planting extra crops and selling them at the local farmers market or community Facebook page. It takes some time to grow the crops, but things like tomatoes come in quick and by the tons!

100. Start A Microgreens Business

This is a business that nobody is talking about, yet. Microgreens can be grown in doors and are ready to be sold in 7 days! There are people making 6 figures selling their microgreens to restaurants and grocery stores (yes, even places like Wal-Mart) for big profits. Here is a kit to help you get started or at least to practice on!

101. Become Personal Trainer

If you’re looking for a way to make money in the fitness industry, then becoming a personal trainer may be your answer. Personal trainers help clients achieve their health and wellness goals by providing personalized workouts and diet plans. Look, some people need help in this area. If you like to help people and have that  entrepreneurial spirit, get started today!

102. Online Jury

Earn extra money by becoming an Online Verdict juror. You will review interesting legal cases from the comfort of your home, provide feedback through an online questionnaire and be paid well for your time

103.Become An Extra On A Movie or TV Show

I was an extra on Season 4 of Cobra Kai, and did a little work on Stranger Things, and Ozark. Let me tell you, not only do they pay well, but they feed you well. I loved the experience and plan to do a lot more! If you can be an extra, do it! You meet the greatest people, learn about the industry, and see your favorite stars. Unfortunately, you can’t talk to them (most of the time), but you can see them! If you are looking for being an extra or acting opportunities, check out Backstage.

104. Clean Houses

Cleaning is something that many people dread. If you are good at cleaning, then there’s a chance your clients will be looking for more of it in their home! This could lead to an excellent supplemental income or a profitable business. Do some research and see if this can be for you and get started.

105. Start Shoveling Snow and move to Plowing Parking lots. 

If you get snow where you live, then it’s a good idea to start a snow removal business.   Believe me, they will appreciate your help and give you referrals. If this is something you want to do, remember time is money. You are limited in snow days and in time because other people are out hustling. Invest in a snow blower to knock out the competition. If you want to expand, I recommend getting a plow for your truck. I know a business owner who charges a hospital $3,000 a month during the winter, simply to keep the hospital’s parking lot a priority if  it even snows

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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