Market Your Law Firm For Free

By: Michael H, J.D. 

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How do I market my law firm for Free and with no experience, no experience marketing, marketing my law firm, free lawyer marketing, market your law firm, tips for law firm marketing, law firm leads, Divide The sea, Divide the seas,,

I started networking after my first semester of law school. I knew that I didn’t have any more time to waste when it comes to my future. I didn’t have a marketing fund ready for me at graduation and I didn’t see that on its way after that. I knew one day I was going to “hang my own shingle”. I knew that I had to find some ways (not all the ways) to of free marketing and capitalize on it! My mindset was that I had to start planting seeds, for trees that my children will be able to sit in shade!  Learn how a few firms are having success with free marketing and with no (or very limited) experience. 

Marketing Tips for Law Firm Websites

It is not accurate enough to own any website for your law firm, and there are other steps to follow to optimize the sites. The attorney site should be visible to the potential clients that are online in terms of generated traffic. More so, it should be able to convert that traffic to paying clients through client satisfaction. Below is a comprehensive list of marketing tips that can help law firms provide viable service through their websites:

5 Marketing Tips to Convert Law Website to Sales

1.     List your Company on Google

Google has a service we call Google My Business, which enlists business details and ownership online. One significant advantage of this tool is the localization of business. In other words, potential clients can find what they need when they search for services online. When you first register your business on the platform, the company sends you a code to verify your business address. But then, it means clients within your locality can find your business.

2.     SEO Optimization

Search engines’ ability to find your business website in search results is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Some of the benefits of organic ranking include many immense features that can draw traffic to your site. Also, business owners or website managers can convert this traffic into paying clients. For instance, the Marbury Website Designers builds into your site highly responsive themes with conversion plugins and other features.

3.     Publish Testimonials and Site Reviews

It is a fantastic advantage when you add testimonials to your site presentation. Visitors can build more trust for your law services when they read positive reviews on your website. The trust and credibility can also be precious when you portray how much success your firm already has. And no, it is not pride; it’s only a tactic for creating a positive impression on customers. You may like to display these reports, cases, or statistics on either the homepage or other pages. The most important feature will be that users can easily find them.

4.     Specify your Specialized Services

 It is essential that from the outset, customers know your area of specialization and practice. Besides, endeavor to go beyond a general description of specific ways that you can help your clients. Let your visitor who needs your law service know how you can help them or why they should hire you. You may also include case studies of how you have helped other people in the past, with permission, of course. Our web design firm can create such a page for your site with optimized content.

5.     Social Media Campaigns

With all the features of your website, you can also drive traffic to the site through social media handles. First, consistently post helpful content on your social media handles to encourage readers to visit your site. Ensure that your website contains social media sharing options so that clients can also tell other people about your services.

In conclusion, Marbury Web Services will not only design and host your site, but we can also execute both SEO and SMM services. Every law firm needs to have a profitable online presence, and you should not be left out.

6. Networking 

I am sure you don’t have to hear about how important networking is to your law firm. However, go out there, you will quickly realize that there aren’t any people from the legal industry networking.  It’s fearful, even to lawyers. I started networking after my first semester of law school. What I quickly realized is that people want to have a connection with a lawyer. In some cases, they think it’s awesome to have a direct connect or to be that guy who knows a lawyer that their friends can contact. So, the processes is a lot easier because they will warm up to you! If you consistently work on networking, get a little better from where you are, then you will see an influx in clientele. I know this because there are some lawyers out there who never paid for marketing. 


There are a ton more ideas out there and we will bring them to you! Stop by often and learn more about the free tips and tricks. We offer a ton in web design, lead generation, and training for law firms at all levels. Regardless, we just want you to have a better and more successful business. 

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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