Invest in Gold now

How To Invest In Gold

By: Michael Sava

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Investing in Gold may be our best route in modern times. Let’s put politics on the side, we do have an inflation issue and Gold may be the object that keeps you where you’re at or makes you money. I went on my Robinhood app and started investing in gold. Paper money is not as good as gold. Over the years, it has taken more money to buy an ounce of gold. Gold has been a standard since before my time. 


Investing in gold is one of the safest ways to invest. With a high level of liquidity and stability, it’s one of the few investments that you can feel safe with. However, when investing in gold there are certain things you need to know.

Many people are investing in gold these days because they want to protect their money from inflation and other economic factors. They’re also looking for a way to pull out their money without losing too much value. Here are some basics to help you make an educated decision about investing in gold.

I mentioned that I used Robinhood above to invest in gold. If you want to get started and earn a free stock for signing up, please click here. You can keep the stock, watch it go up, or cash out. It’s literally free money. 


Gold is a type of metal that is malleable and ductile. It is also considered one of the most valuable and rarest metals in the world.

Gold, as an asset, does not react to inflation as other investments do. For example, if you owned a stock, it would likely go down due to inflation. However, gold does not react to inflation the same way; instead, it may increase in value over time due to rising demand and scarcity.


There are a few different ways to determine what the current gold prices are. One way is to look at the spot price on the market when you’re ready to make your purchase. You can also go online and find out the current gold price by searching for “gold spot price” on Google or other search engines.

A more reliable way to get current prices is through an online brokerage service like TD Ameritrade or Schwab. With these services, you can see what the gold prices were for any given day within a certain time period and also get an idea of how much money you would have made if you invested in gold during this time.


Gold has long been used as an inflation-proof investment. It’s been shown to keep its value better than many other investments, but it’s not without its downsides.

The price of gold is highly reliant on market forces and can fluctuate rapidly. This makes it difficult for people who don’t know what they’re doing to invest in enough gold to make a significant difference in their portfolio.

The price of gold can also fall as low as $1 per gram, making it difficult for investors to make a profit from the investment. However, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid purchasing gold altogether; simply be aware of what you’re getting into before diving in headfirst.


Investing in gold works much like any other investment. You just buy the amount of gold that you’d like to have. You then have the ability to store that gold or sell it at a later time if you choose. For example, if you buy one ounce of gold, you can either store that ounce or sell it for ten ounces of gold later on.

You can also invest in gold bullion bars. With bars, you don’t need to worry about storing them and they’re also more liquid than coins. This is why most people opt for bars when investing in gold these days.


Gold can be a volatile investment, and its value fluctuates depending on market conditions. When investing in gold, it’s important to take into account the volatility of its price.

Many people look at gold as a way to protect their money from inflation. However, it is not possible for gold to provide inflation protection because its value is fixed.

The main drawback of investing in gold is that you don’t get the liquidity that you get from other investments. If you want access to your money quickly, selling your gold may not be an option because there are few buyers with enough liquidity.


  • Unlike other investments, gold has a high level of liquidity and stability. It also doesn’t fluctuate as much as other investments. This means that you can invest in gold and know that you’re going to get your money back with little risk.
  • Gold is also an international investment, which means that it is more accessible to people around the world than some other investments.
  • There are also many tax benefits associated with investing in gold. In addition to the federal income tax exemption on individual sales, there are also state exemptions from capital gains taxes when selling off your investment. Gold is also exempt from estate taxes when held by beneficiaries after death if it was legally acquired and not part of an estate plan or trust at the time of death.
  • In essence, investing in gold allows you to diversify your portfolios without putting all of your eggs into one basket.
  • The price of gold isn’t affected by political issues, and its value will always remain the same.
  • Lastly, when investing in gold there are no transaction fees involved which means that you don’t have to pay any additional charges or commissions on your investment.


In a world of uncertainty, gold will be one of the most stable investment options. Gold has long been seen as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation and is often bought by investors looking for a safe haven for their money.

The future is always hard to predict, but trends in the precious metals arena are pointing to higher gold prices.

In a nutshell, the global mine supply has been contracting for decades. In fact, it’s down 50% since 2000. If this trend continues, expect higher gold prices.


Gold is a safe haven asset, an investment. This type of market is very volatile, but if you stay invested in gold, over time you will make profits. The best time to buy gold bullion has always been during the economic downturn. That is why you should know what kind of an economic crisis we are facing now and act accordingly.

*This is not financial advice 

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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