How To Start A Credit Repair Business

By: Michael Sava

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I am teaching about how to start a credit repair business, because it’s probably the most profitable business you can start and at fraction of a price of other business you can start. Seriously! Starting a credit repair business, it’s too popular yet, and there are tons of customers. so you can still get in on the ground floor and be on top when this industry takes off. Yes, you can buy all the books, ask people questions, study the laws, do a bunch of trial and error, and one day, be successful. However, do you have the time and money to just give it a shot? I suggest, if you are really serious about this. Get some Credit Repair Business Training


Having a good credit score can open a lot of doors, from getting approved for a new car loan to being able to live in certain neighborhoods. This is because lenders take your credit score into consideration when deciding whether or not to approve you for a loan. In the past few years, the number of people with bad credit has been on the rise, as more and more people have fallen victim to debt. If you think it sounds like an opportunity waiting to happen, then this post is for you!

Here’s how to start a credit repair business: A comprehensive guide. 


If you’re a good communicator and have a knack for understanding finance, then you might consider starting a credit repair business. After all, credit repair is a booming industry with an increasing number of people in need of help repairing their credit.

But before you start any such business, there are some things to understand about this industry.

For starters, there are plenty of opportunities in the credit repair industry because not everyone is qualified to do the job. There’s also tremendous demand for credit repair services because more and more people are struggling with debt and bad credit. Not only that, but it’s relatively easy to get started: You can find affordable or free office space and most businesses use technology like computers and online platforms.

Also keep in mind that many reputable companies will offer you training courses on how to run your own business if you decide to partner up with them.


The cost of starting a credit repair business is going to vary significantly depending on the type of business you decide to start. If you want to open an office downtown, hire employees, order the greatest website known to man, and mortgage your house for television commercials, plus all of the fees, it will be pretty expensive. Also, that’s all unnecessary. 

If you go that way, you can start a credit repair business as a sole proprietor and expect to spend around $25,000 – $35,000 to get started. This includes the cost of your company’s website, getting a business license, and other legal costs.

Now, Let’s get serious. Don’t you dare, in my opinion, start a credit repair business for that amount of money. It can be done, even when tight budget. The program, we suggest, talks about bootstrapping, that is grow your business with using as little finances as possible. That way, you can keep your profit, and not go broke with major overhead. The overhead you don’t need (yet!). 

First, we recommend getting the necessary certification. Once you get certified, you can enter into the industry knowing the ins and outs. It’s hard to jump into a business and spending most of your time reinventing the wheel. Second, you will have to get an LLC or Incorporation. I have an LLC and wrote about it in my post called  “Why I Decided To Form An LLC For My Business.”

In either case, being prepared with money saved up before your launch will be beneficial.


If you want to start a credit repair business, there are a few things you’ll need to get started.

First,  get certified. During the process, the program will have you get own business name, logo, and domain name. But before you purchase any of these items, make sure to do your research. You’ll need to make sure that the domain name and business name you choose aren’t taken and that the logo fits the company’s brand.

Next, it’s time to purchase your website hosting package and merchant account. Be sure to read up on all the important information about both items before making a decision on which one is right for you! I wrote a Step By Step Article on How to make your own website or Blog. Check it out! It’s called “How To Make A Website Or Blog And Make Money!”

Finally, when choosing what equipment to buy for your office space, be practical. If you’re trying to save money in this area, don’t skimp on office chairs or desks because this will just affect your employees’ productivity in the long run. You might also want an upgraded computer system or smartphone models that work best with your specific industry’s needs–a credit repair business is no different!


As mentioned earlier, there has been a growing number of people with bad credit in the past few years. This is partly because more people are falling victim to debt. Sadly, it may get worse, now that some are calling on the worst uptick of inflation, possibly in our nations history, regardless of where you stand, that will hurt a lot of us.  So, marketing, will not be that difficult. This is a business where customers seek you out! 

One of the best ways to market your credit repair business is by using the internet. You can use social media platforms, websites, or blogs to advertise your services.

Here are some tips for advertising your credit repair business on social media:

  • Find out what keywords your potential customers are typing in when they’re looking for credit repair services online- these are the keywords you’ll want to use in your posts and ads.
  • Post content that’s engaging and interactive enough that it’s worth people scrolling through their feed or clicking on it to read more.
  • Be sure to include photos in your posts, as visuals make everything more interesting!
  • Use hashtags related to finance, financial literacy, money management, and other topics that are relevant to the services you offer. For example, if you’re working with individuals who have poor credit scores that need to be raised, then hashtags like #creditrepair #creditbureau #creditscore would work well for you.


The best way to find clients and make money is to create your own website.

Creating a website can be difficult, but you can outsource it for cheap. The cost will depend on the features you’re looking for and how complex the site will be.

Once you have your site up and running, you’ll need to get traffic to your site. The best way is through pay-per-click (PPC) ads on search engines like Google and Bing.

When we talk about PPC, we’re referring to paying a certain amount every time someone clicks on your ad. For example, if I want an ad that’s up for one month and I’m willing to pay $10 per click, then I would need $120 just in case my ad gets clicked 10 times in that month period.

This strategy might seem expensive at first glance, but it’s not as bad as it seems—especially if you start with local leads which are more likely to convert than leads from other areas of the country or world. You want them to feel like they know you before spending their money with you!

Congratulations To This YEars Millionaires Club!

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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