How To Make Money On tikTok

By: Molly Gordon

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Most of the time, the legends were at the right place at the right time. That is, at the very start of it. Look no further than Joe Rogan. He was one of the first in long form, video podcasting. He took that rocket all the way to the top. I am talking about his reported deal with Spotify for a reported $100 million dollars! This was recorded by all sorts of media, including the New York Times.  I understand you may be asking what this has to do with TikTok. My point here is TikTok is on it’s way up! If you want to make money on TikTok, you better join now and be catapulted to the top when it grows in popularity. It will be extremely difficult to do so once you have a much larger pool of people joining TikTok and trying to make their way to the top.

Making Money With TikTok

Before I start, this article is made for everyone. If you have that desire to make money on TikTok then you are at the right place. If you legit, fantasies about getting paid a lot with using Tiktok, then you first have to look at it as a business. Being on social media looks awesome, but behind the scenes, those influencers have that Business Mindset. Get in that type of mindset real quick! Sorry, to be so blunt, but you have to do that. Another aspect I have to talk about in this intro, is that TikTok is free to get started. All you need is a phone. Don’t get expensive cameras and mics until you see money coming in. There are many influencers who earn millions each year through their TikTok accounts. Third, don’t let anyone fool you. This is a tough business, it’s not easy to monetize your TikTok account, it’s possible if you have the right strategy and commitment. So, if you are dedicated, have a business mindset, your consistent, asking yourself how you can make money on TikTok, and ready to take this awesome journey Keep reading! 

If you want to do it, start now!

If you have a loyal, engaged following, you can secure influencer partnerships with global brands that are looking to connect with your audience. As part of an influencer marketing agreement, a brand may ask you to promote its products or services on your TikTok videos. The most popular forms of payment are money or free goods. At the same time, don’t just sit there waiting for them to find you. Email those corporations, reach out to those hotel managers, figure out how you can work with those clothing companies that can benefit from working with you. A simple email, DM, or even just reaching out on Linkedin. Ask for a free weekend at the hotel or just a payment to promote their location. 

Charli, one of the most prominent TikTokers. Charli, is an Influencer for P&G (one of the most well-known and respected brands). Some people believe that you need millions of followers to be an influential person. However, this is not true. They are looking to see your relationship with your followers, specifically, they want to see if your followers take into consideration and act on what you are inviting them to buy. They are looking to see comments, integrations, likes, and shares. If you followers are active, you cash in. 

In my research, on how to make money on TikTok I found that many brands prefer working with micro-influencers or those who have a smaller following. If you are looking to become a successful influencer, it is a good idea for you to choose a niche or topic to focus your posts and account. Brands will know if you are a good fit for their products and services if you promote them in this manner.

You Can Sell Your TikTok Account

Many businesses would like to be on TikTok, but lack the resources or time to create and maintain an account. You can give them a fast track to TikTok success. You can do this by selling TikTok accounts. There are many people who have a business where they make, grow, and sell TikTok accounts for a living.

For a long time, people have been selling social media accounts to make money. Ramy Halloun (23-year-old TikTok Monetization Expert) earns approximately over $30,000. There are many people who own businesses who did not have the internet for a majority of their life. Thus, they don’t understand it, they don’t understand social media. So, they will buy your account or just pay you to be their TikToker. 

To sell your TikTok account, you’ll need more than just a collection of engaging videos. A dedicated following and a topic of your interest are also important.

It is easier to sell “Niche” accounts because the buyer can continue producing the same content after the sale in order to keep the followers. In the long run, this may give you a more of an upfront pay day than many years of working to make money every two weeks. This was pretty interesting to find out on how to make money on TikTok. 

Ask For Donations

TikTok’s coins feature is very interesting. If you are able to live stream, you can collect these coins from your most loyal and adoring followers. You can then exchange the coins for cash daily. It works like this: Let’s suppose your biggest fan purchases coins. These start at $1.39 per 100 coins and go up until $139.99. Live streaming allows you to send coins and use them for gifts. You can exchange gifts and coins for diamonds. Then, you can exchange them for cash through PayPal.

If you aren’t going live or you want to make some income on your older videos, ask for them to donate. I can not believe how many people get offended when you say receive donations. This is not considered the same type of “donation” as if you were some sort of charity case. No, donation has a different type of donation. Yes, they are giving you money, but they are doing so because they appreciate your content. People understand how much work goes into making a video, even if it is a short. People know there are expenses to make the video, the idea, the editing, the advertising, the travel, and the time are all sacrifices. People appreciate that and want more content. So, they give. Take it. It may be the biggest tip on how to make money on TikTok. 

Become A TikTok Manager

If you don’t want to be on video, you can still make money on TikTok. Never limit yourself on how you can and cannot make money on TikTok. I have to be blunt, this is a good money maker for those who fail at making it on TikTok as well.

This type of money making avenues can be for anyone. However, I believe if you have experience in talent management, production, social media marketing, or production? Then this might be more familiar to you any someone with very little experience or understanding of Social Media.

A company that offers advice and manages accounts for TikTok users could be a great idea for a profitable fee. If you think about it, it’s almost like actors having their own talent manager.

This is especially useful for celebrities who are already famous. The video is amazing, and then they wake up the next day with a new face. They have more fans than ever before but don’t know how they can keep the momentum going.

As a talent manager, this is where you come in. These are some of the ways you can help influencers:

  • Look for brands that fit the image and interests of your followers.
  • Negotiate and sign contracts on their behalf.
  • Assist them with developing a content strategy to increase their visibility and engagement.
  • Find new ways to make money for both of you.
  • Reach out to locations for free products and stays 
  • Find paying sponsorships that are appropriate for the niche


There are tools that will estimate how much you can make based on your account statistics. TikTok Money Calculator by Influencer Marketing Hub is one example. However, don’t rely on TikTok alone to make money. There are many options to make money. 

As discussed, you can make money on TikTok by:

  • Pay from TikTok
  • Donations
  • Selling an Ebook
  • Selling a service 
  • Selling physical products 
  • Put your videos on YouTube and gain more ad revenue
  • Get paid to make appearances 

TikTokker Khaby Lame, who creates silent mockery videos about overly complicated life hack videos, is an example. He is the TikToker who has the second most followers. Khaby could make up to $291,121 per post with 121.3 Million followers and a 1.62 percent engagement rate. What if he asked for a donation from people who appreciate his work. Imagine if only 2% of his 121.3 million followers donated. WOW! 

If you are still in the micro-influencer stage, your earnings will be lower. Remember that earnings can vary depending on the TikTok monetization strategy and how you implement it. When it comes how to make money on TikTok, keep educating yourself on the subject. 

It’s not hard to see why it’s easy to make money on TikTok. It has seen incredible growth since its launch in 2016 and is now the first app that is not owned by Facebook to surpass three trillion downloads. It’s only going to get bigger and  more influential over our lives. As I stated in the intro, now is the time to start. 

I truly hope this answers the question “How can you make money on TikTok?” and I wish you the best of luck. Please go to the contact page and let us know if we helped you make money on TikTok!

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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