How To Make friends At College?

By: Jeff Ellis 

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This can apply anywhere in your life, it doesn’t matter if you are going to start at high school, college, the military, or even at your significant others family party. The common interaction of meeting new people has been lost in the last ten years or so! That’s the truth! There are people out there that can not even speak to the the woman making their subway sandwich. Read this article below and learn how to make friends at college. 

However, no matter if you are going to start college, in the middle of your educational career, or about to graduate. Apply this article now and every day!  If you are not clicking with anybody in your college and consider it a challenge then don’t worry it’s not something difficult. Even if it’s quite easy to make friends at college but still some people face adjustment issues especially if they are new in an environment. Here we gathered some quick tips which will help you out for making friends at college!

  • Try to Strike Conversation:

Try to get into your classroom ten minutes early so that you can get a chance to initiate a conversation with your classmates.  Yes it is quite difficult to chat with the strangers and you can even get uncomfortable but you can discuss anything related to your classroom with your college mates. It can include project-related discussions, something about the professors or the time table etc. Trying to strike up a conversation can be pretty intimidating. What I like to do before going to meet people, go on a date, networking event, or to meet a friend is go to the store (or gas station, library, Apple Store) and talk to the employees. You can really have a good conversation asking questions about the Iphone. Think about it, you can talk about your love of photography they will bring up the camera. Ask about the sound and they will reply. They may actually talk about how they vlog. Once you brain is in the routine of having a convo, go strike up a up a conversation and make a friend! Do this everyday or until you have enough friends. 

  • Plan Hangouts:

You should not just sit and wait for others to plan a hangout. Just get relaxed and take an initiative to ask your college mates for a hangout. You can ask them to meet you at the gym, you can play badminton with them, you can go for a walk with them and can even study together at your home or their home.

  • Enjoy at the Cafeteria:

The college cafeteria is considered to be an awesome place where you can find new people for friendships. So just in case if somebody invites you to meet them at the cafeteria for lunch, just don’t hesitate. Socialize with more and more people whenever you are at the cafeteria so that you guys can form a group of good friends.

  • Take interest in extracurricular activities:

If you have seen many extracurricular activities in school then hold on, there is a lot more there in college. Some colleges have a variety of clubs available based on various interests such as political, social or cultural. If any club best suits your interests then you should definitely join one. It will get you a chance to interact with different people and you can easily become friends with them.

  • Biology Club
  • Business club
  • African American Association
  • Volunteer Network
  • Chinees club
  • Theater
  • Photography
  • Intramural Basketball
  • MMA
  • Fellowship of Collegiate Christians
  • ROTC
  • Guitar Club
  • Bible Studies
Look, I am not going to keep adding to the list, there are literally over a thousand clubs at your typical college or university. I suggest going to all of them because this is the time in your life where network is extremely important. I would love to be best friends with someone studying accounting, a person who can take excellent pictures, maybe a future manager from a leader of the the ROTC,  or maybe someone who knows a different language. Go to these places and make meaningful connections. That will never let you down! 

  • Don’t say No:

First, know, in some cases it’s okay to say no. Please always exercise safety. Invitations where you will be alone, in a dangerous situation, illegal activity, etc can bring a lifetime of hardship. If others are inviting to their bible study, game night, party, etc , don’t say no. Always be willing to enjoy life with people. Try out different activities with them. If people are inviting you at dorm events then you should definitely go. You should always keep yourself excited for doing different kinds of adventures with the people you interact with. You can also go with your friends on a hiking trip. If they are forcing you to go with them then please don’t just say no!

Final Words:

Without a doubt, college is the most convenient place where you can form new friendships. Sometimes it looks difficult to gel in with new people but once you become friends with them, everything looks sorted out. So just take a deep breath and get ready to build strong bonds of friendship with like-minded people. Have fun with them at all cost because this college time won’t come back again!

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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