How To Increase Web Traffic By Giving Away An Ebook

How To Increase Web Traffic By Giving away an ebook

By: William Butler 

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How to increase web traffic, how to increase web traffic by giving away an ebook, give a free ebook away and get more website traffic, Divide The sea, Divide the seas,,

Answering the question in how to increase website traffic by giving away an eBook, will do wonders for your website traffic. We use to give away numerous eBooks. Yes, for free! However, in order to get it, you had to give me your email address. Doing that, I sent an email to visitors on a weekly basis. Yes, many of them would come back to my site while I increased my website traffic! I love it and you will love how good you will be in increasing website traffic. 

How A Free Ebook Can Help Your Business

Have you wondered why you don’t experience the same traffic growth on your site as some of your competitors? Perhaps you have not been using the key above to get more traffic. Everyone wants extra value, and people often respond positively to getting some value in return. Also, this strategy may not be a stand-alone plan, but factor it as part of a more significant campaign.

In other words, the free eBooks giveaway is not the end in itself, but a means to an end. There are three indisputable benefits of giving out free eBooks to your website visitors!

If you click here or click the image below, you will see that even Amazon has over 100,000 free eBooks. If Amazon is doing it, we should too!  Now, don’t give out romance novels if you are a business website. Be sure it’s related to your audience. 



One of the most notable advantages of giving free eBooks on your site is creating a contact list. These visitors submit their emails, using a click funnel through which they can receive newsletters. And if you continue to create value to them without spamming, you can retain your subscriber base forever.


You can improve your level of social media engagement through free eBooks that serve as a bait. The social media campaigns with freebies have been known to attract more potential buyers. Also, this strategy can be applied to other online campaigns too to attract more buyers.


Giving away free eBooks can significantly increase your revenue from sales with more people checking what you have in stock. The end of such free eBook giveaway campaign must also be clearly defined from the start though.


Before you begin to doll out the free eBook, Internet business owners must admit to the fact that

  1. Relevance: Free eBook giveaways must be relevant to the visitor’s needs, or else, the result may be counter-productive. Give your potential buyers something that aligns with their needs too if you want them to part with their emails.
  2. Value: as you hope to get a valuable action in return for the free Giveaway, your free eBook giveaway campaign must have a good structure. The gained value from the eventual buy or subscription must be higher than the lost value by the business owner
  3. Get more than a simple hope of a buyer’s return. For instance, for readers to get a giveaway, submitting valid emails ensure that you can store up their data for subsequent marketing emails. At other times, you may require a particular number of social media shares/likes to qualify to get the free eBook.
  4. Consider limited versions of your best sellers to bait buyers. I have seen quite a lot of authors implement this last step, where they extract the juiciest part of the book product to potential bait buyers. That foretaste creates a desire or hunger in any prospective buyer of what to expect in the full version. If the books make up a series, you may consider giving off an edition to attract buyers to the whole package series.
  5. Start by having a Business Plan and Strategy: let the eBook be part of your bigger business plan and strategy rather than merely doing what others are doing. With this mindset, you can prepare ahead and structure on how to use the resources you get. It also helps you to measure how the campaign is turning out.
  6. Ask for their email address: This is crucial. If you don’t have a way to contact a reader, you will loose them.  Don’t waste your time in loosing readers. This can double your website traffic. I email my readers who sign up for my mailing list once a week! 


Free eBook giveaways can be of great value with the right strategy and planning. We have discussed the advantages as well as the things to note in setting it up. Let’s know we might be of help in setting up a similar campaign for your business site. This is the perfect answer in how to increase website traffic to your site.  This will go a long way with your reader and for your success! 

If you want someone to write your e-book and design all the art work, contact Marbury Web Design

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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