How To Eliminate Debts according to an LA Bankruptcy Attorney?

By: John Doe 

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Credit cards are used by most people to pay for every day purchases as well as unexpected bills such as car repairs, medical bills or even mortgage payments.  When people have to spend more than they earn, a dangerous downward cycle can lead to a breaking point.  Many people file bankruptcy as a result of piling up excessive credit card debt because of a sudden change in their circumstances; job loss, health issues, divorce or death of a family member.  Anyone who is falling behind and trying to figure out how to handle too much debt, it may be a good time to contact a bankruptcy attorney to ask questions and begin to understand how the law may discharge debts.

Bankruptcy is a legal method that allows debt relief for people in need of immediate debt relief.  Attorney Lauren Rode stated, “Filing bankruptcy is a very effective way for a person to stop creditor harassment and to get back on the right financial track. “ Before filing bankruptcy it is important to understand how it works.

How bankruptcy eliminates credit card and medical debts:

Credit Card Debt Discharge

Credit card debts will be completely discharged in most bankruptcy cases. The credit cards will need to be cancelled so that they will not be used again. The complete elimination of all unsecured debts happens during the both chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy filing

Medical Debt Discharge

Medical debts can be eliminated by filing bankruptcy in addition to completely eliminating any credit card debt.  Medical debts are commonly wiped out in both Chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies.

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney can advise whether to file chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Chapter 13 requires a payment plan to pay back a portion of debts such as a credit card or medical bills that are affordable.  Whether a person needs to pay back credit cards and medical bills depends on factors such as disposable income, and assets owned, like cars or real estate.

To eliminate credit card debt, it is best to talk to a Bankruptcy Attorney in Los Angeles to answer all questions and explain the process.  For personalized help contact Consumer Action Law Group to be connected to a bankruptcy attorney for free bankruptcy advice.

For more information about eliminating debts visit or call 818-254-8413.

About Consumer Action Law Group

Consumer Action Law Group is a law firm dedicated to help consumers in consumer-related matters or consumers that experienced fraud and scam. Attorneys in the team are knowledgeable and experienced in the areas of eliminating debt, mortgages fraud, auto fraud, and foreclosures. They have direct experience in consumer fraud matters and helping consumers who are facing financial crisis, foreclosure, issues with employers, and problems with auto dealers.

For Media Inquiries:
Contact Person: Lance Nguyen
Telephone: (818) 254-8413

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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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