How To Design A Book Cover?

By: Ajit Patel

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divide the sea, dividethesea,, Christian finance, how to design a book cover, bookcover, book cover design, graphic design, be a writer

A book cover will make or break your book! I don’t care what people say, people do judge a book by the cover, literrally! So, I wanted to give you a few tips to help you in designing your book cover! The font matters! The colors matter! The shock value matters! Don’t be afraid to trigger emotion, mystery, love, or even fears! Check out the information below and sell design those book covers! 

At the time of compiling a new book, it is important to focus a lot on the cover of it. That’s because you have the chance to impress your readers and tempt them to purchase the book based on the cover. No matter how good the content you have written in the book is, you will fail to secure outstanding returns by not using an appropriate cover in it. That’s why all the book authors are strongly encouraged to think about seeking the assistance of best book cover designers out there.

While looking forward to get the support offered by book cover designers, it is also important to have a basic understanding about the factors that can contribute towards the success of a book cover. Here are the most prominent factors out of them.

  • Focus on arousing emotions through the book covers

When you take a look at the work completed by best book cover designers out there, you will notice that all of them have the ability to speak to emotions and trigger emotions. In fact, those book cover designers don’t tend to pay a lot of attention towards the details. This is what makes them successful from others.

Authors tend to get caught up in the details of the book. This is the main reason why the authors of books are not encouraged to go ahead with creating the covers. If they try to work on the covers, they will not be able to end up with securing effective results. Hence, it is important for the authors to locate the best book cover designers and handover the work to them.

  • Use the best possible picture

Along with the book cover, only one opportunity will be provided to promote the book. Hence, the book cover designers should think about getting the maximum out of that opportunity. This is why they should think about using the best possible picture.

If you can use a beautiful picture in the book cover, the rest of designing work will become a lot easier. That’s because the picture will be able to contribute a lot towards representing the emotional experience that the book is delivering. For example, if the book has a scary story, it is possible to use a picture that looks scary and dark. Likewise, it is possible to use a romantic and light picture on a book that is written on a love story.

  • Use the appropriate colors

It is a must to include appropriate colors in the book at all times as well. It is possible to change the color scheme of the main picture that is used as the cover of the book as well. You just need to go ahead and add a gradient over the loop. Online editing tools such as Photoshop will be able to deliver all the assistance.

The expert book cover designers know how to pick the pictures carefully. Different colors are in a position to evoke different emotions. That’s why it is important to ensure the usage of correct colors at all times. This will contribute heavily towards the success of the book.

  • Ensure contrast

The expert book cover designers never forget to ensure contrast in the book covers that they design. In fact, they tend to use a lot of colors in between dark and light. This can contribute heavily towards the success of an eBook. It is important to ensure vignette effect around the edges of the eBook as well. This will deliver an extra pop to the book cover.

  • Refrain from drop shadow and bevel

Heavy drop shadow or bevel used in the color would make it look unprofessional. Therefore, you should refrain from using them as well. In fact, it is important to focus more on formatting text of a book cover. That’s because text plays a major role behind the overall design. Before people purchase the book, they will tend to go through the text as well.

One of the main factors that you need to keep in mind is that the text of the book doesn’t have to be bold as you think it should be. That’s because the professional book designs come along with a natural contrast. In addition to that, they still have the patches, where the text is displayed in a super-clear way. This can also create an excellent thumbnail as well.

It is important to think about delivering an impactful cover to the book. It is even more important than having a text that is easy to read.

  • Select the emphasis

A large number of authors tend to pay special attention towards the book title and the authors name. It is true that the title and the name of the author should be displayed clearly in a book. However, proper emphasis should be maintained at all times. That’s because it is not possible to give so much of information to the readers through the book cover. You will be having limited space for textual content in the book cover. It is important to get the most out of that limited space and get the best out of the book cover. It is better to grab the attention of the readers first. Then it is possible to get them to click on the book thumbnail and go through all the details.

Final words

As you can see, it is a must to focus on numerous factors before creating a book cover. All the people who work on book cover creation should think about paying special attention towards this fact. It will contribute towards the success of the book. If you feel that you don’t have the skills to develop a professional looking book cover, you should always think about getting the assistance of one of the expert book cover designers. They will be able to deliver expert assistance and make sure that you don’t make any mistakes with the design.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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