How to become a notary signing agent? 

How To Become A Notary Signing Agent

By: Vernon Williams 

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Here, you will find the answer in how to become a notary signing agent. It’s not difficult, it may take some time, dedication, and action on your  part. We are here to reduce any of that stress by telling what to do. Don’t reinvent the wheel. I became a notary, then a notary signing agent, and then started working remote and on occasion when the money is right, I will be a mobile notary agent.  As a notary signing agent, you can make $100,000 or more. As you can tell there are many ways to make money in this business. Let me tell you where to start!

Becoming a notary signing agent is a noble goal, but it takes work. You will often have to pick up a new skill and learn how to become a signing agent. These activities can take time away from your family or day job. Juggling these responsibilities can be taxing, but it’s not impossible. It all depends on how much time you’re willing to dedicate and what kind of support network you have built around yourself. If you’re wondering how to become a notary signing agent, you’re in the right place. Here we will discuss tips that will take you from start to finish so you can begin your new career as a notary signing agent.

How to Become a Successful Notary Loan Signing Agent

You can pursue a career as a notary loan signing agent. But it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you start. Here are some things to consider:

Get Your Notary Commission From Your State

You will need to apply for your commission to notarize documents legally. The process is different in every state, so check your state’s requirements before starting. Once you have your commission, make sure that you keep it current and valid. You can find out how much it costs by visiting the National Notary Association website.

Signing Appointment with Confidence

Learning how to make an appointment confidently is one of the most important things you can do as a Loan Signing Agent because if you don’t feel comfortable asking for appointments, no one else will! It doesn’t matter if someone has been referred by their real estate agent or if they found you online; when someone calls needing help with their mortgage documents, they expect someone who knows what they’re doing.

Make sure you’re ready when someone asks for your services as a notary loan signing agent. You should know what they’ll be signing and why they need it signed by you. You should also have all the necessary materials on hand, so there are no delays when an appointment is scheduled with you.

Get Listed in most of the Notary Loan Signing Agent Databases

There are many databases that real estate agents use to find notaries for their closings. The most popular one is NNA (National Notary Association), but there are others such as ASAP (American Society of Appraisers) and NAFCU (National Association of Federal Credit Unions). To be listed in all these databases, you must get certified first. Otherwise, there’s no point in doing so because no one will hire un-certified people even if they have great reviews on Google or Yelp.

Notary Loan Signing Agent Certification

The next step in becoming a successful notary loan signing agent is certification. You can get certified by taking a course and the test online. The cost varies depending on the provider, but you should be able to find one at a reasonable price.

Once certified, it’s time to start practicing your skills. Not everyone learns the same way, so there are many different ways to practice your skills. Some like reading books or watching videos on performing notary tasks, while others prefer hands-on learning with real clients. Practice as often as possible, regardless of how you learn, before trying for real jobs with clients.

Learn How to do a Loan Signing to Escrow Standards

The next step in becoming a loan signing agent is learning how to sign a loan. You need to know how to package documents, list all the pertinent information, and then sign them in the right places. This is very important as lenders will not accept anything less than perfect.

Learn How to Package Loan Documents

Packaging refers to the way that you present your documents so that they look professional and inviting. Your packaging should be clean, neat, and organized to look professional and well put together. If you have questions about this process, ask an experienced loan signing agent for advice on what works best for them.

What is the difference between a notary public and a notary signing agent?

The difference between a notary public and a notary signing agent is that a notary public is an official appointed by the state to perform certain legal functions, such as witnessing the signing of documents. A notary public must be commissioned by an executive order or legislative act of the state in which they work. In most cases, this commission can only be obtained if the applicant has passed a written exam and met other state government requirements.

A notary signing agent works with real estate transactions and other related documents, and Notaries sign off on documents as proof that an impartial third party has witnessed them. Notaries also keep records of their actions in case there are disputes over signatures or other issues related to their duties. A notary does not need any special training or certification, but some states require them to complete training courses on properly performing their duties before issuing commissions.

What Are ThE Best Notary Signing Agent Courses of 2022?

Here are the best notary signing agent courses of 2022:

Loan Signing System

The Loan Signing System is among the most reputable and trusted signing agent courses. The course is designed to help you become a successful signing agent and provide the tools you need to succeed in this business. You will learn how to prepare for your loan signings properly, conduct yourself during the signing properly, process documents, and handle any questions or concerns that may arise during the signing process. The course teaches you how to market yourself effectively as a loan signing agent to get more clients and increase your income. Click here to learn more. offers an online training program for becoming a notary public or signing agent. This online course is designed to teach students all about the responsibilities of being a notary public or signing agent, including what types of documents need notarization, what types of documents do not require notarization, how long it takes for documents to be processed by a notary public or signing agent, what is required of the customer when they come in for their appointment, and much more! This course includes assessments and quizzes throughout the course so that students can test their knowledge before moving on to their next lesson. Here, I want to make it clear, I am just informing you. I didn’t try this site. 

Notary of America

Notary of America is a great place to start as a beginner. They offer an online training course and in-person classes throughout the country. The online course is designed for those who want to learn more about notaries and become one themselves. This course will teach you how to become a notary in your state and prepare for any potential challenges that may arise during signings. Notary of America also offers an in-person class that can help you gain more knowledge on becoming a notary public and signing agent. These classes are offered in many states across the country, so check with them before signing up for one! Here, I want to make it clear, I am just informing you. I didn’t try this site.


In the end, becoming a notary signing agent can be a helpful way to make money from the comfort of your home while helping others save money on their loans and mortgages. Be sure that you fully research federal and state laws, as well as any site-specific guidelines on the matter, before proceeding. You will also need to ensure that you are eligible to become a notary public, which will also take some review. With the right knowledge and setting everything up correctly, it’s easy to become a notary signing agent and help others fulfill their American dreams of homeownership.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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