How Can Churches Fundraise Post Covid-19?

By: Michael Thomas

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The Church has been hit hard with Covid. People have gotten use to not attending service, Mass, or Litrugy on Sundays anymore. It was a routine that broke and difficult to get back into. Most of our lives are still hampered by not going out. There is still some fear, there are still precautions, and we are adjusting to a new world. However, we have to start having the discussion about helping Churches Fundraise and remain open! 

Covid-19 pandemic has created a major impact across numerous entities around the world. It includes churches as well. When you take a look at the way how churches are struggling with funds, you will notice that it’s not just the businesses that are affected with the global pandemic.

Churches play a major role in our culture. Hence, it is important to ensure their survival. Churches mainly get funds through congregation. However, we are going through a time where we face hardships and uncertainty. Hence, churches are facing numerous challenges with raising funds. This is why it is important for all the churches to have a clear understanding about the different techniques that can be used to raise funds during the uncertain times. If the churches can pay extra attention towards these fundraising tips, it is possible for them to ensure their survival until the end of the pandemic.

  • Implementing an online donation platform

It is possible for the church to go ahead and implement an online donation platform. Due to the covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing measures, people are forced to spend their time at homes. Hence, they cannot come to the churches and donate money. This is where a church can think about getting an online donation platform implemented. Then it is possible to reach out to the people who are willing to donate money, but don’t have the ability to do it by visiting the church.

Upon the implementation of an online donation platform, it is possible to reach out to the people in neighborhood and ask for their support. Then people will be able to use the online donation platform and contribute their money towards the church.

At the time of implementing this kind of an online donation platform, it is important to integrate numerous payment options. In other words, you should ensure that people who are willing to donate money are provided with the chance to do that with ease. This is where you must go ahead and implement payment gateways such as PayPal, where all the people are familiar about.

  • Have an alternative for the church gatherings

During the times of the pandemic, people will not be able to attend the church. This is where you will need to have an alternative for the church gatherings. The church services are closed down for some time and this is one of the biggest reasons on why the churches are struggling hard with funds. However, a large number of parishioners are willing to go to the church. This is where you can come up with an alternative method for church gatherings.

The best thing you can do to overcome this struggle is to come up with a mechanism to live stream the church gatherings. You will be able to do this through the website of your church and via social media networks. Along with the virtual church gatherings, you will also be able implement a donate button on the website. This button should be placed on the side of the screen where you live stream the church gatherings. Then you will be able to engage with the parishioners and provide ability for them to make their donations.

  • Meet the donors on a regular basis

Some of the churches have taken appropriate measures to avoid meeting their donors. This is something that you shouldn’t do during the Covid-19 pandemic. You need to focus on meeting your donors on a regular basis. In fact, this is the best time to reach out to the donors and then ask for their assistance. You should communicate appropriately with the donors and you will be able to get their support towards ensuring the survival of your church.

However, you will face numerous challenges when you are trying to meet the donors of your church physically. This is where you can think about taking things online. You can create a list of the best donors of your church and schedule a virtual meeting. This is something that you should do immediately. Then the donors will be able to extend their support and help your church.

During the virtual meetings that you have with the donors, you can ask and see how their families are doing. In addition to that, you will need to ask about their businesses as well. You can share details on how the uncertain times are creating a major impact on your church as well as the clients that you are serving. Along with that, the donors will come up with the decision to provide help and assistance to you.

  • Never make any assumptions

While raising funds for the church during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important not to make any assumptions. The economy out there looks like a free fall. However, you must refrain from making assumptions, especially about the actions that will be taken by the donors. Your donors are also facing challenges and it will not be possible for them to contribute as they did. Therefore, it is important to face the reality instead of making any assumptions.

There are some donors, who have enough stocks in medical equipment and cleaning supplies. Those donors will not be able to make any financial donations. However, they will still be able to donate what they have and support your church. You should have an open mindset to accept your donations as well.

  • Ask for what you require

The needs of some of the churches have increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. If your church is facing such a situation, you should ask the donors on what you need. You should not be shy and refrain from asking. Asking for help will provide you with the assistance that you need at all times.

Final words

Keep these facts in your mind and proceed with raising funds for your church. Then you will be able to get the best possible support you need during the Covid-19 pandemic.



WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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