Frugal Living

By: Marie Knox

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While it can be fun to spend money, it is also important to be smart with the money you do have. So, let me introduce you to Frugal Living! It doesn’t take much work to live a life that is frugal and fun. The key is finding the right balance of spending what you need without overdoing it. Here are some ways to live your life frugally but still have plenty of fun, travel adventures, and relaxation! 

Spending on necessities

If you want to live a frugal life but still have plenty to do, don’t spend money on things you cannot afford or can’t use. Let’s say your car needs to get repaired, but the repair costs are too high to pay for right now and you can’t afford it.

Instead of buying a new car and taking out a loan, consider getting a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft. These services allow you to drive around town in your own vehicle while getting paid for each mile driven by the driver. With these types of services, someone else picks up your bill instead of having to take out a loan to pay for that repair.

Believe in yourself and your ability to save

If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t be able to do anything. You’ll just be sitting around and doing nothing. Sticking with what’s working for you is important if you want to live frugally.

As a small business owner, it’s easy to have all of the time in the world and not really know how much time you’re spending on your business. It’s easy to spend as much time as you want when there are no obligations. But what happens when those obligations start?

When that happens, it can become hard for you to stick to things that cause stress in your life. If something starts taking up more of your time than it should, it can become harder for you to budget properly or put a stop to unnecessary expenses, which ultimately breaks down your finances.

Start a side hustle

One of the simplest ways to live frugally is by doing what you like to do. When you start a side hustle, it’s easy for you to focus on your hobbies and passions instead of trying to figure out what business venture will make money. You can also find ways to make money from your hobby or passion, like through side hustles.

You can put yourself in a position that requires more time than usual, and politely decline offers from companies that depend on you being too busy. It takes just a little bit of effort and planning, but chances are good that having a side hustle will help you meet your financial goals and keep you engaged in life.

Spend your money wisely

One of the best ways to save money is to spend your money wisely. By using a budget, you can make better choices about what expenses are most important and where your money should be spent.

If you’re thinking about how much to save each month, the first thing you need to do is figure out exactly how much you earn. This will help you determine whether or not it’s worth your while to set aside some extra money each month for savings.

Once you know exactly how much income you have each month, you can use that as a baseline when determining what monthly expenses are most important. This will avoid spending too much on unnecessary expenses or projects that end up losing more value than they’re worth.

Be easy on yourself for spending money.

It’s not just about being frugal in terms of what you spend. It’s also about being frugal with how much you spend, when and where you spend it, and what you do with it all.

People are often surprised at the amount of money they have spent on themselves over time, especially if they have never done any budgeting or made a list of their spending habits. Simply put, people tend to spend more than they need on luxury items (i.e., new clothing, electronics, or cars) than actually need because it is enjoyable to live better and feel good about yourself.

Find ways to make money from your home

One of the best ways to live frugal life is by finding ways to make money from your home. The Internet has made it easy for you to earn a little extra money online, often without even having to leave your couch. But there are plenty of things you can do at home that could help you make some extra cash.

There are a number of different ways in which you can create income from working outside of the home, including writing articles and books, hosting webinars, and delivering speeches or training seminars across the country.

Grow your own food

Grow your own food. It’s a simple way to save money and the environment. It’s also a gorgeous thing to look at when you’re sitting in front of the TV or scrolling through social media.

If you grow your own food, you’ll be able to use less water than if you buy large amounts of produce from the grocery store. You will also have control over what goes into your diet because you know exactly what was grown and where it came from.

For example, if you want dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, or collard greens, then growing them yourself means that they are always fresh and ready for consumption quickly. You can also adjust your diet by choosing different types of produce depending on the season for optimal nutrition.

Stay as healthy as possible and enjoy yourself.

Frugal living is about spending your money in the right ways, not the wrong ways. It’s all about finding balance. Living a life that is frugal doesn’t mean you’re going to have to work as hard as it does for others, but it does mean you can live in a way that will make you happy and help your family budget stretch further.

Here are some ways to live frugal life and still have plenty of time to enjoy yourself:

1) Don’t buy unnecessary things. While obviously shopping for clothes or other things isn’t frivolous, there are other items that you might want to purchase (such as makeup or jewelry) but replace with cheaper alternatives when necessary. You can also get better deals by purchasing used items at yard sales or Craigslist for even less than new products would cost. You don’t need everything new; we all have a lot of stuff we don’t use anymore. You just need something that’s reliable and affordable until you can buy something better!

Save as much as you can and then spend it again

One of the best ways to save money is to find a way to do as much as possible for free. Imagine going to a restaurant where you order every single thing on your plate for free. You could drink throughout the meal and you could even pay for the food afterward, but at least you’d have room for dessert! It wouldn’t be fun if you had to pay extra just because you wanted ice cream. That’s why it’s so important to find ways to do as much as possible without spending money.

In some cases, this can mean making friends with coworkers or with people who don’t charge a cent. In other cases, such as when traveling, it means finding ways to avoid pricey hotel rooms and expensive meals out at buffets and restaurants.

Your goal should be to live life frugally but still have plenty left over for fun activities like travel or socializing with friends. If you’re trying to live an active life in which you enjoy yourself and work hard, then saving money is easy. If not, then it might be helpful to look into ways of saving money that is more enjoyable than paying bills or buying groceries each week.

Smile and be happy

Frugal living is not a sad life style or practice. I really suggest starting to smile more. Trick your find to smile and be happy, you will find there is less negative thoughts about frugal living. One of the best ways to be happy is to smile. Smiling can add a bit of energy to your life, making you feel happier and more positive. In fact, it may help boost your mood even if you’re not feeling particularly happy.

Smile while doing something fun like going on a run or spending time with friends. Or smile when you see someone else smile as well. You can use this technique to break the ice with others or make yourself happier by being nice to people who are around you. People will notice your smile and think that you’re having fun! 


It can be hard to live frugally, but the benefits can be huge. Not only will you save a lot of money, but you’ll live a fun and productive life, one where you’re enjoying what you do and spending time with those you love. Even if you don’t live frugally to save money, you should at least consider it as an option. There’s no reason to be tied down by your possessions and lifestyle if there is a way that is better for you. So have fun this weekend! If we missed any of the best ways to promote frugal living, let us know in the comments below.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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