How To Change your life for $7

By: Casey Capozzola

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Are you tired of the 9-5 grind and looking to start your own online business? Are you unsure of where to start or what steps to take? The Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is here to help. This challenge will guide you through building a successful online business from the ground up. Led by industry expert David Sharpe, the challenge covers everything from identifying your target market and creating a product or service to building a website and generating leads. 

So, if you’re ready to turn your passion into a profitable business, the Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is the perfect place to start. Let’s get started on building your online empire!

What is the 15-day online business builder challenge, and what will you learn from it?

The 15-day online business builder challenge is a course or program that aims to help individuals start and grow their online business within a 15-day timeframe. It typically includes instructional materials, activities, and exercises covering building an online business.

Some of the things you may learn from the 15-day online business builder challenge include:

  • Identifying your target market: You will learn how to identify the people most likely to be interested in your product or service and how to reach out to them effectively.
  • Crafting a compelling value proposition: You will learn how to create a clear and compelling message that explains why your product or service is valuable to your potential customers.
  • Building a website: You will learn how to create a professional-looking website that showcases your products or services and helps you attract customers.
  • Using social media to promote your business: You will learn how to use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach out to potential customers and promote your business.
  • Generating leads and sales: You will learn how to generate and close sales using various tactics and strategies, such as email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising.

The 15-day online business builder challenge is designed to help you get a solid foundation for your online business, so you can start building it up and growing it over time.

What’s Included in the 15-Day Business Builder Challenge (day-wise plans)?

Below is a wise plan of the 15-day business builder plan:

Day 1: Learn how to begin and scale a high-ticket business

The first day of the challenge focuses on teaching participants how to start and scale a high-ticket business. This may include identifying a profitable niche, setting up a business website, and creating a sales funnel.

Day 2: Learn the “Core 4” high-ticket business models online

On the second day, participants will learn about the four core high-ticket business models online: coaching, consulting, course creation, and agency services. They will learn how to determine which model best fits their business and how to implement it.

Day 3: Demonstration of How to Build a Business in under 30 Minutes

Participants will be shown how to build a business on the third day in under 30 minutes. This may include demonstrating how to create a website, set up an email list, and create lead magnets.

Day 4: Learn to master the inside game involved in making wealth

The fourth day focuses on mastering the “inside game” of wealth creation, which involves mindset and personal development. Participants will learn about the importance of mindset in business success and how to cultivate a positive, growth-focused mindset.

Day 5: Develop a business plan

On the fifth day, participants will develop a business plan. This may include setting goals, creating a marketing plan, and identifying their target audience.

Day 6: Ask your doubts

The sixth day is set aside for participants to ask any doubts or questions about the challenge or their business. This is an opportunity for participants to clarify misunderstandings or seek guidance on specific issues.

Day 7: Understanding when to quit the job and build an online business full-time

On the seventh day, participants will learn when it is right to quit their job and build an online business full-time. They will also learn about the steps needed to make this transition smooth.

Day 8: Learning high-income skills

The eighth day focuses on learning high-income skills, including copywriting, sales, and marketing. Participants will learn how to develop these skills and use them to drive their business growth.

Day 9: Lead generation

Participants will learn about lead generation and attracting and acquiring new customers or clients on the ninth day. This may include creating lead magnets, building an email list, and using social media to attract leads.

Day 10: Copywriting

On the tenth day, participants will learn about copywriting, the art of crafting compelling marketing messages that persuade customers to take action. They will learn how to create compelling headlines, write persuasive emails, and create compelling landing pages.

Day 11: Learn to make sales and present better

The eleventh day focuses on learning how to make sales and present better. Participants will learn about effective sales principles, including building rapport, overcoming objections, and closing deals. They will also learn how to present their products or services compellingly and persuasively.

Day 12: Outsourcing

Participants will learn about outsourcing, which is hiring others to perform tasks or services they do not have the time or expertise to do. They will learn how to identify tasks that can be outsourced and how to find and hire freelancers or contractors.

Day 13: Use “OPM” to Build Your Business

Participants will learn about using “OPM,” or “other people’s money,” to build their business on the thirteenth day. This may include fundraising, borrowing from investors, or using crowdfunding platforms to raise capital.

Day 14: Avoid “Wantrepreneur Syndrome”

The fourteenth day is focused on avoiding “wantrepreneur syndrome,” which is the tendency to constantly talk about starting a business but never actually take action. Participants will learn how to overcome procrastination, stay motivated, and take the necessary steps to turn their business ideas into reality.

Day 15: “Journey” and “First Sales”

Day 15: The final day of the challenge is focused on the “journey” and “first sales” of building a business. Participants will learn about the challenges and triumphs that they may face and how to deal with them to realize greater profits.

Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge Bonuses

Here are some of the bonuses you will get through the Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge:

  • A customized high-ticket business plan: This bonus is a customized business plan specifically designed for those participating in the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge. It will outline a strategy for building a high-ticket business and guide achieving success in this venture.
  • FB ads templates: These templates are pre-designed Facebook ads that can be easily customized and used to promote a high-ticket business. These templates are designed to generate leads and sales for the business effectively.
  • High-ticket email templates: Similar to the FB Ads Templates, these email templates are pre-designed and can be easily customized to promote a high-ticket business. These templates are designed to generate leads and sales through email marketing efforts effectively.
  • High-ticket video scripts: These are pre-written scripts for videos that can be used to promote a high-ticket business. These scripts can be customized and used to create compelling video content that will attract potential customers and drive sales for the business.
  • High-ticket phone scripts: These are pre-written scripts for phone calls that can be used to promote a high-ticket business. These scripts can be customized and used to guide phone conversations with potential customers, helping to generate leads and sales for the business.
  • Personal 1-on-1 business plan consultation with an advisor from their team: This bonus offers a personal consultation with an advisor from the Legendary Marketer team to discuss the customized high-ticket business plan and provide guidance on how to execute it successfully.
  • A copy Of Dave’s top converting high-ticket affiliate marketing funnel: This bonus is a copy of Dave’s top converting high-ticket affiliate marketing funnel, which includes the strategies and tactics used to promote and sell high-ticket products as an affiliate effectively.


Overall, the 15-day online business builder challenge is a comprehensive program that covers all the essential skills and strategies needed to build a successful online business. By the end of the challenge, participants will have a solid foundation for their business and the knowledge and confidence to continue growing and scaling their businesses in the future.

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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