By: Joseph Versteegh

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In a small town, the major factor we found is that people are afraid of what other will think. I can not believe that people in small towns are still worried about stepping up and stepping out in starting a business. I am sorry to be so blunt, but if that is what is going to hold you back. Stop reading. 

Business Ideas while living in a small town

This article will not be the end all be all on Business Ideas in a small town. I was recently in a small town in the great state of Illinois. There my boyfriend and I met another couple who sat at our table. It was a fest and wasn’t anything strange. We got to talking and they were from that small town. The later told us they created all of the marketing materials for that particular fest. All the banners, staff t-shirts, menus, etc. We couldn’t believe it and really thought it was interesting. They also told us how they make all printed products for the town. Literally, all of the business went to them. The local schools, churches, farms, and corporations.  Their biggest worry was when to sell the business and retire down to Florida. They were in their 40’s


This type of business has the potential to make over a million dollars from anywhere. Don’t focus on your home town. Focus on your entire state and expand. Credit Repair Business can be done from home. Customers call or email you most of the time, if not all of the time. Via Credit Repair Software customers can check what you’re doing for them. This is probably the best business you can start in a small town. Also, you won’t have to worry about any competition in your town. It’s okay to serve your town first, it maybe the best avenue to work on the credit of people who know you and will be patient, but expanding is always a way to make more money. 
If you’re interested in learning more about starting a credit repair business, we highly recommended getting certified. Check out this quick video to learn more. Yes, I actually have met and interviewed real life millionaires from this program! This may be the best business ideas in a small town. This shouldn’t be limited to your small town, but your first goal is to dominate your town. After that, go Statewide. Internet will make this happen. 
If you are in a small town, that’s fine, but this business can be done over the phone to everyone in the State you serve. All you need is a phone, internet, and software


Many businesses would like to be on TikTok, but lack the resources or time to create and maintain an account. You can give them a fast track to TikTok success. You can do this by selling TikTok accounts. There are many people who have a business where they make, grow, and sell TikTok accounts for a living.

For a long time, people have been selling social media accounts to make money. Ramy Halloun (23-year-old TikTok Monetization Expert) earns approximately over $30,000. There are many people who own businesses who did not have the internet for a majority of their life. Thus, they don’t understand it, they don’t understand social media. So, they will buy your account or just pay you to be their TikToker. 

To sell your TikTok account, you’ll need more than just a collection of engaging videos. A dedicated following and a topic of your interest are also important.

It is easier to sell “Niche” accounts because the buyer can continue producing the same content after the sale in order to keep the followers. In the long run, this may give you a more of an upfront payday than many years of working to make money every two weeks. This was pretty interesting to find out on how to make money on TikTok.  Even if you don’t think this is part of the business ideas for a small town, but think about it. All you need is a phone and can be anywhere. 

3. Become A High Ticket Affiliate Marketer 

High ticket marketing is a lucrative strategy for businesses as it allows them to generate more revenue with fewer sales. By focusing on selling high-priced products or services, a business can increase their profit margins and make it easier to scale their operations. Additionally, high ticket products or services often come with higher perceived value to the customer, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a high ticket marketer, you will have the opportunity to work with high-end clients and create tailored marketing strategies that will drive sales and increase revenue for your business or clients. Furthermore, High ticket marketing attracts a more committed and invested customer base, which can lead to increased customer retention and lifetime value, resulting in sustainable growth for your business. Start out by checking out our Free Affiliate Marketing Course of jump right in and become a Legendary Marketer. 


 3. Make And Sell A Product 

If you are good at making things yourself and think you could sell them for a profit, then making products is a great option. The key is to find something that is needed in your area and that people will pay enough to make it worth your while.

Some examples of products you could make include:

  • Wreaths – Bend, Oregon, is famous for its beautiful wreaths, which are sold door-to-door during the holiday season and online year round.
  • Baked Goods – If you live in a place where people love their fresh baked goods, then this could be the right business idea for you. You can even get started by selling baked goods at farmers’ markets or other local events.
  • Pet Toys – Dogs are popular pets in many small towns across the country, so there might be big demand for dog toys and treats in your area. This business idea would work best if you were able to produce toys and treats from locally sourced materials as well.


4.     Photography Business

Local events such as weddings, birthdays, engagement pictures, or pictures of your favorite sports team can help you make big bucks. There is no need to purchase expensive cameras and equipment. Start at your budget, get to know your equipment and post on your communities facebook group. 


The first of our top three business ideas in a small town is the tattoo parlor. While most people tend to think of tattoos as “counter-culture,” the truth is that tattoos are incredibly popular right now. People love having a little bit of individuality, and they want to be different from others. A tattoo parlor can be an excellent way to cater to this need for individuality. It is also a great way to make money because the tattoo industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years. Check out the the Tattoo Parlor Kit


Trying to find a successful niche market is not impossible. It’s just really hard to do. You should be able to find a particular market that you are interested in, and that you are good at.

Here are some tips for you:

  1. Take surveys of local businesses, like bars, restaurants and shops about what they need.
  1. Think about how your skills can help them. Do you know how to re-model furniture? Maybe there’s a local shop that needs someone who can remodel their old furniture into something new!
  1. It’s always great to get a Credit Repair Certification, go to all your towns realtors, mortgage brokers, Car dealers, and have them sign up their customers who get denied service due to their credit. They will give you hundreds of clients. It helps them too, because they will have clients with better clients. Change lives for the good. Your town will love you!
  1. Think outside of the box! What’s something you’re interested in that others might be as well? If you love music, maybe setting up a community concert series would be great! Or if you are passionate about fitness, maybe offering fitness classes would work well! Once you decide on something, go with it and put all your effort into it!


In a small town, it’s hard to find the right people to help you do your business. In order to get the most out of your small town business, you need to look beyond the local talent pool and find those who are passionate about what they do and have experience in the industry.

These people will be able to help you grow your business and deliver outstanding results. They will also be able to give you valuable information on how to succeed in the small town market.

This guide will show you how to find these people, as well as some common mistakes that many companies make when trying to grow their businesses in a small town.


In a town as small as yours, finding the right people to help you start your business can be challenging. But that doesn’t mean you need to settle for anyone who’s willing to work for little pay! To get the right team in your town, look around and find people who have similar values and values that align with yours.


Finding the right team doesn’t have to be hard! Many small businesses that are starting can find their ideal partners by looking at LinkedIn, Facebook, or other social media sites. Before you start your small town business, make sure you have a clear vision of what your customers will see and hear when they come to your site. If you don’t know who might be interested in what you do, this might be the time to start learning more about them.


A plan of action is a step-by-step list that lists what you want to accomplish and how you will do it. It’s a document that lays out all your actions and gives you a clear picture of what needs to be done in order to achieve the goal.

The plan of action doesn’t need to be long. In fact, if you’re setting up your business in a small town, it can be as short as one paragraph or two sentences. A simple sentence written down on paper will give you an easy way to stay focused on your objective for the day.


Trying to compete with nationwide chains is difficult in a small town. However, there are plenty of ways for you to thrive as an entrepreneur in your area. Here’s how to get customers in your small town:

  • Start by talking to everyone. You might have a vision for what kind of business you want to run, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for your community. Talk to everyone — friends, family, neighbors, local business owners — and find out if they would be willing to spend money on a particular product or service. You’ll probably be surprised at what people will buy.
  • Target local businesses first. It’s much easier to convince someone who lives nearby that they need your services than it is to convince someone who lives across state lines. You can use local businesses as references when selling your products or services as well.
  • Look for trends among existing businesses before deciding on a niche. Maybe restaurants are doing well in town, or maybe pet care providers are getting a lot of requests from customers.
  • Know who your ideal customer is. You need to know this before trying to go out and find them. If you don’t know who they are, how can you go out there and market yourself or your business to them? Take some time to figure out exactly who your ideal customer is.
WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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