How To Become A Notary Signing Agent in Georgia

By: Vernon Williams

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Here you will discover a business that can be full-time, part-time, or a profitable side hustle. The great thing about becoming a notary signing agent in Georgia is that you can scale this business with employees and more profits. A notary signing agent is a business that isn’t on the forefront of people’s mind. That means, you must get in now before it is discovered by everyone. Below you can learn how to become a notary signing agent in Georgia and how much you can make. 

Introduction In How To Become A Notary Signing Agent In Georgia

In Georgia, a Notary Signing Agent (or NSA), plays a crucial part in the finance industry. In particular, the NSA facilitates a loan closing and helps people. It’s important to know  that you must first be commissioned as a Notary Public of Georgia. Also, always learn about the different restrictions or laws your state has regarding being a Notary Signing Agent. 

How Much Does It Cost To Become A Notary Signing Agent?

Great news! Not much! Yes, let’s not sugar coat it. It’s important not to spend money, but to make money. In starting any business, you have to watch your bankroll. The great thing about being a Notary Signing Agent in Georgia, is that it doesn’t cost that much. There are some business that can cost thousands and many hundreds of thousands. This is a very small fraction of a fraction of those prices. The cost of becoming a certified Signing Agent typically ranges from $75 to a few hundred dollars, but this can vary depending on a few different factors:

Whether or not you have an active Notary commission in your state

    • $25,000 errors and omissions (E&O) insurance policy
      • This is the policy amount not how much you have to pay. I have $35,000 in  insurance for about $200 a year. 
    • Which training/exam vendor you choose 
    • What vendor conducts your background screening
    • Where you purchase your NSA supplies
    • Licensing fees (required for certain states
    • Marketing/Advertising 
    • Education

Notary Signing Agent All In One Training

Below is a company that helps you with the process of becoming a notary signing agent. It’s training from one of the business’ leading expert. What I like the Loan Signing System is the training, certifications, and popularity of the program. This is not a certification that is a just piece of paper. This is a certification that many companies seek out candidates with and places them on the top of the pile ahead others who learned in other ways. Click the link here or click the picture below to learn more. 

How Much Can I Make As A Notary Signing Agent? 

This will all depend on you. If this is going to be a side hustle you will make significantly less than a business owner who has 10 employees. That’s obvious, but I feel that I have to mention. It is not that uncommon to make make $100,000 a year. Check out the chart below if you want a break down of how you can reach those numbers. 

The Signing Agent Certification Process

Every State is different, but yet are the same. The law is created to protect us from issues that may arise during a loan process. The protector that the government sees fit, is you! Yes, the Notary Signing Agent in Georgia! The process and job is a huge responsibility.  Don’t worry, you got this! 

The bar is set for Notary Signing Agents. The title companies, lenders, real estate agents, and the buyer and seller don’t want someone to come in and ruin the transaction. So, it’s just not the law. When you learn this business, doing the absolute best, is what you need to bring. Here, I am basically saying, I want you to follow the steps below. 

Here are the steps you need to take to be a successful a Notary Signing Agent In Georgia

  1. Become a commissioned Notary Public in your State (required).
  2. Take a loan signing training course. (Click here)
  3. Pass an exam and background screening included in your course.
  4. Buy your Signing Agent supplies.
  5. Purchase a minimum $25,000 E&O insurance policy.
  6. Start working for or start your own business as a Notary Signing Agent.
  7. Promote your business online by joining Notary Signing Agent directories (most are free). 

Where Do Notary Signing Agents Get Clients

If you want to skyrocket, you can not do the minimum. Marketing does come into play. However, this industry they are looking for you. It’s not like other industry where you need your clients. Again, they need your service because they can not make money in a transaction unless, you notarize their paperwork. So, yes, they need you to make money.  That lead me to the first piece of advice. It is important for your success to walk into a title and escrow company. Excuse me, walk into all of the title and escrow companies in a 20 mile radius (grow from there) once a month forever. Introduce yourself, give them a business card, let them know you are ready to be their notary signing agent. One day, they will need you. When they see you are professional, on time, respectful, they will call you again. There are people who do 100 signings for one company a month. 

If you don’t want to market or you want to add to your networking, sign up for all Notary Signing Agent directories. They are middle men and will bring you clients in your area. There are companies that are free while others may charge some sort of fee. Just because a company is free, don’t think it’s not being used. Remember, they need you. Why would they charge if they need you. So it’s free. A lot of companies will charge you to give you a higher position on the list. 

Don’t forget your  local community. If you’re not involved in the community, get involved. After a week or two, let people know what you can do. Try going to the communities business associations while attending business and trade events, connect with UPS and FedEx store managers, and building relationships with other Notaries in your area. Of course, social media. Become an influencer in the field. 


This is a great start in trying to find the answer in “How to become a notary signing agent in Virginia?”. I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear about your success soon. Please check out the loan saying system to get trained, learn marketing, and be prioritized in these directories. 

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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