How to save money with honey

By: Trevor King

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Saving money is important. Whether you’re looking for ways to save on your grocery bill, or you want to cut down your utility bills, it’s an essential skill. Spending less money means having more available for savings and paying off debt. If you want to save money with honey  at home, try using honey! It has a ton of uses in and out of the kitchen. It can be used as a hair product, in place of sugar in baking recipes, and much more. Here are some ways that honey can help you save money at home.


Honey is a natural hair product that can help you save money with honey on your beauty routine. Honey can be used as a conditioning agent to help moisturize your hair and make it feel soft, shiny, and healthy. It can also act as a shine enhancer and leave-in conditioner to give your hair the extra boost of moisture it needs to look good.

Honey is an excellent alternative to store-bought products like shampoo, conditioner, styling products, or sprays. Plus, it’s super easy to make! All you need is honey and water in an empty spray bottle. This mixture will leave your hair looking great with no chemicals or synthetics involved!


Did you know that honey can also be used as a facial mask? It’s commonly put in place of sugar and it’s also one of the cheapest ingredients. Additionally, honey is very moisturizing and makes your skin look radiant.

The best thing about using honey as a facial mask is that it’s completely natural and has no adverse effects on your skin. You don’t have to worry about harsh chemicals or additives.

To make this mask, simply mix two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of rosewater. Then apply the mixture to your skin for five minutes. Rinse off the mixture when finished with a cool washcloth or face cloth and pat dry with a towel.

Your complexion will be clear, healthy, and visibly more youthful afterward! What are some other ways that you’ve found to save money at home?


Honey is a natural sweetener that is high in fructose, which can help to control blood sugar levels. However, honey isn’t just great for sweet treats! It can also be used as a substitute for white sugar in baking recipes. This keeps the recipe healthy and avoids unnecessary extra calories from added sugars.

To replace white sugar with honey, you will need about half of the amount of honey called for in your recipe. If you’re using 1 cup white sugar in your baked good recipe, then you will need about ¾ of a cup of honey. It’s important to test your baked goods before adding too much honey, as it may change the texture and consistency of your food. 


You’ve probably seen the bottle of bug spray in your home. If you don’t want to use that, try making your own DIY insect repellent. This will save you a ton of money and keep your family safe from bugs.

First, mix water with bleach and add one tablespoon of dish soap. Put it into a spray bottle and use this mixture to spray on plants, outdoor furniture, and outdoor pets. You can also put some into a spray bottle full of water for indoor use at the end of the day.

This recipe is super easy to make and it can be used as an all-around cleaner in your house or garden!


It’s not uncommon for people to use lemon juice or vinegar to clean their furniture. These items work, but they can also be messy and cause permanent damage. Honey is a better alternative because it has antibacterial properties that will help your furniture stay cleaner over time.

Honey can also serve as a buffer between wood and other surfaces, which means it won’t leave a sticky residue after you’ve cleaned your furniture with honey.

Additionally, honey is often less expensive than other products on the market. That makes it easy for you to afford the best honey for your cleaning needs without breaking the bank!


Honey is a great option to use as a car deodorizer. It’s an easy way to keep your car smelling fresh and clean without having to spend a lot of money on cleaning supplies.

Plus, honey can help prevent mold, mildew, and bacteria growth by carrying the honey with you everywhere you go. Another great feature about honey is that it prevents dust from clinging to the car hood and other surfaces around the vehicle.

For best results, put a small amount of honey in a bowl or jar lid and place it next to your air vents. You’ll be able to smell it from inside the car!


Honey is a natural fabric softener. It will help to reduce static cling, and it’s also beneficial to your clothes. Any type of fabric can be softened with honey.

Although honey has anti-bacterial properties, it shouldn’t be used on clothing that is colored. It has the potential to stain fabrics and might reduce some colors over time. Leave the beeswax at home!

Honey can also be substituted in place of sugar if you’re looking for a healthier alternative in your baking recipes. Try adding honey to oatmeal cookies or muffins for a sweet treat that’s low in sugar and calories but high in nutrients!

Most importantly, honey is extremely cost-effective when compared with store-bought alternatives. You can buy one jar of pure raw honey from the grocery store for around $3, which means you’ll need less than 10 jars to make dozens of products for your home!


Honey is a natural sweetener that has been used for thousands of years. It’s commonly used in baking, as a hair treatment, and even in place of sugar in savory dishes.

Here are three more uses for honey that you can put to good use around your home!

  1. Honey can help heal wounds faster.

Honey is high in antioxidants and amino acids which have amazing effects on the body’s healing process. It’s also antibacterial, so it can be used to treat some types of wounds such as cuts and scrapes. Just apply some honey to the area before bandaging it up. 

  1. Honey helps keep away bacteria on cutting boards and countertops by creating a thin layer on top of the surface.

Just mix a tablespoon or two into an empty jar with water, then tap the lid on top to create an airtight seal before placing it anywhere where you want a clean surface! This will also help prevent bacterial growth and keep food fresher longer!

  1. Honey can be used as a hair product to add shine and moisturize your scalp while protecting against dryness when you’re heading out into harsh weather conditions.

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1/4 cup olive oil


Once you try using honey as a natural sweetener, you’ll never want to go back to white sugar again. The same goes once you save money with honey. Why spend more for something else. Honey is much cheaper than sugar or granulated sugar. It’s also healthier for you in many ways because it’s sweeter and has less calories.

I can be used in place of granulated sugar in baking recipes and can be used as a natural hair product.

Let us know if you know of any other ways where you can save money with honey. 

WELCOME! My name is Michael and I am the founder of  Divide The Sea. Holding me back was the many unknowns and challenges in life and future. Once I made the decision to reach my life goals, I learned how to Fix My Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business, my life was never the same.  My goal now is to educate, because I find nothing more freeing than teaching others and seeing them change their lives like never before! No matter the difficulty, divide that sea and make it to your true destination. 


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About Michael

Michael is the founder of  Divide The Sea.  Many of us will not be educated in responsibility and preparing for the future. Michael saw this in himself and in his students.  This website encourages those to divide the sea and make it to their destination.  Here you can learn how to Fix Your Credit, Make Money, Save Money, and Start A Business

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